Phile, Ous, Ambi, Sci
8th Grade: Quarter I Set 2
- For EACH root, select TWO vocabulary words to memorize.
-Words are listed from easy to hard
- Make sure you copy ALL of the information down on your notecard
Quiz on FRIDAY
Root Stem
Select Your Words Below!
Select Your Words Below!
- Philanthropy (noun) - the love desire to promote the welfare of others, expressed especially by the generous donation of money to good causes.
- Philanthropist (noun) - a person who loves to promote the welfare of others.
- Philosphy (noun) - "Love of wisdom" activity where someone seeks truth
- Bibliophile- (noun)- person who has a great love of books
- Philanthropic- (adjective) - description of someone who's actions serve the welfare of others
Select Your Words!
- Simultaneous- (adjective) happening at the same time
- Ominous- (adjective) Full of bad, the feeling something is threatening
- Callous- (adjective) full of hard feelings towards someone/something
- Perposterous- (adjective) - full of ridiculouness
- Biosterous- (ajdective) full of energy and rowdy behavior
**What do you notice about the part of speech of any word that ends with "ous"?
Select Your Words!
Select Your Words
- Ambiguous (adjective)- having more than one meaning "both meanings"
- Ambiguity (adjective) - more than one interpretation
- Ambidextrious (adjective) - able to use both hands
- Ambivalent (adjective) - having mixed or both feelings about someone
Select Your Words
Select Your Words
Scientific (adjective) - systematic and methodical.
Conscience (noun) - inner feeling or voice as acting right
Conscious (adjective)- being aware/knowing of your surroundings
Omniscient (adjective) - knowing everything
Conscientious (adjective) - wishing to do what is right in one's job or role.
Select Your Words