SOC 110-01
December 1, 2021
By Alethia Boswell
Textbook Definition:
"shared beliefs, values, and practices"
- can be difficult to define in America because we are known as a cultural melting pot
- often coupled with etncity or country of origin, but not always
- material and non-material
- American culture is typically what we think of as "pop culture"
- Examples: mainstream beliefs, social media trends, ideas and standards popularized by Hollywood, popular political stances, etc.
My Experience with American Popular Culture
American Popular Culture
- Beliefs
- freedom of religion, importance of gender equality, correctness of democracy, political ideologies, inflence of Hollywood and social media on desire for acceptance
- Values
- freedom, justice, equality, value of life, loyalty, novelty, tradition, family, individualism, materialism
- Practices/Norms:
- "Necessity" of social media in daily life; don't discuss political beliefs in person, but display them on social media; villianization of government by both political parties; don't cheat on tests or lie to others
My Experience with Southern Subculture
Southern Subculture
- Beliefs
- family should be of the highest importance, elders deserve respect despite personal feelings, "Christianity" became cultural
- Values
- high value of family, respect for elders, tradition (especially religious), clan-like view of loyalty, patriotism, freedom
- Practices/Norms
- always go to church on Sundays, regular family dinners, saying "sir" and "ma'am" as a sign of respect
My Experience with Christian Subculture
Christian Subculture
- Beliefs
- The Bible is the source of truth, humanity is sinful, Jesus's death and resurrection is the only way to salvation, society is lost and is seeking salvation and fulfillment in anything but Christ
- Values
- freedom of religion, honesty, integrity, love, compassion, respect, kindness, generosity, dedication, hard work
- Practices/Norms
- regularly attending church; date to marry; intellectual debates over doctrine; show kindness and respect to those with other beliefs, but encourage discussion; seek to live "set apart" and not engage in all societal norms
Textbook Definition:
"the process wherein people come to understand societal norms and expectations, to accept society’s beliefs, and to be aware of societal values"
- Primary Socialization - the process by which we become part of society as a whole
- Nature vs. Nurture
- Agents of Socialization
- Secondary Socialization - the process by which we join smaller groups/organizations within society
Primary Socialization
Primary Socialization
- Family - Mom, Dad, Little Sister
- Morals, Values, Habits
- Peer Group - Friends from my age group
- Humor, Behavior, Compassion, Friendship
- School - Elementary through College
- Socializing with age group and adults, Value of Education, Integrity, Hard work
- Workplace - Summer Job in Retail
- Conflict management, working with others, honesty, diligence
- Religion - Christianity (Baptist)
- Absolute Truth, Morals, Behaviors
- Government - Self Explanatory
- Freedom of Speech and Self-Expression (Beliefs and Behaviors)
- Mass Media - News Outlets, Instagram, etc.
- Influence of others, Popular trends, Current events, Morals
Secondary Socialization
Joining all of these smaller groups within society took time through the process of building relationships with others in these groups. In many cases, we bonded over shared experiences and values and learned norms until we were all equally members of the group.
Secondary Socialization
- Church - Ninth & O Baptist, South Campbellsville Baptist
- High School - Whitefield Academy
- Summer Job - American Eagle
- College - Campbellsville University
Statuses & Roles
Textbook Definition:
Status - "the responsibilities and benefits that a person experiences according to his or her rank and role in society"
Role - "patterns of behavior that are representative of a person’s social status"
- Our "status" or "role" in society often feels like a difficult concept to wrap our minds around in today's day and age, but it's actually much simpler than one would think.
Some examples of statuses I occupy:
- Daughter
- Granddaughter
- Oldest Child
- Sister
- Student
- Valedictorian
- Roomate
- Youth Leader
Some examples of roles I fulfill:
- Daughter
- Calling my parents regularly
- Granddaughter
- Coming to visit and sending cards
- Oldest Child
- Babysitting my little sister
- Sister
- Playing games with my little sister
- Student
- Listening and participating in class
- Valedictorian
- Giving a speech at graduation
- Roomate
- Cleaning the room or bathroom
- Youth Leader
- Leading discussions and caring
for my group
Deviance & Social Control
& Social Control
Textbook Definition:
Deviance - "a violation of contextual, cultural, or social norms"
Social Control - "the regulation and enforcement of norms"
- Deviance is often thought of as referring only to crimes or dramatic breaking of societal norms, but it also encompasses the smaller or "regular" ways in which we break social norms.
- Social Control often manifests itself in everyday life through expressions of disapproval from others towards an action one does or belief one holds, and these judgements can be expressed outwardly or subliminally.
Most of my deviance takes form through the way in which I live out my faith. While this behavior often doesn't seem deviant in Christain circles, or even in the Bible belt, it should contrast against culture as a whole.
- Examples
- Not harboring grudges/having enemies
- Maintaining modesty
- Extreme diligence in all I do
- High intergrity/honesty
- Love and compassion towards all, despite varying beliefs
Socioeconomic Status
Textbook Definition:
Social Stratification - "a socioeconomic system that divides society’s members into categories ranking from high to low, based on things like wealth, power, and prestige"
- The influence of socioeconomic status on one's plae in society is usually easier for us to comprehend in daily life. One's socioeconomic status can determine not only what type of life is lived overall, but can also largely influence what opportunities are available to someone for building a future.
My Experience with Socioeconomic Status
Personal Experience
- Upper Middle Class Family
- Both parents = full time jobs
- Dad - Ministry for most of my childhood, now high school Bible teacher at a private school
- Mom - College math professor
- Grew up in the suburbs of Louisville
- Private school education - my parents had to work to afford but highly valued my education so it was worth it to them
- All of this and more influenced the opportunities that were available to me throughout life (ex: college choice)
Racial & Ethnic Identity
Textbook Definition:
Race - "refers to superficial physical differences that a particular society considers significant"
Ethnicity - "shared culture, which may include heritage, language, religion, and more"
- For many, race and ethnicity are a significant aspect of identity and play a role in one's societal standing or experience. While I did not personally grow up viewing my race or ethnicity as largely significant to my identity, I recognize now that I am older what a large role these can actually play in my experience within society.
Gender & Sexuality
Textbook Definition:
Gender - "a term that refers to social or cultural distinctions of behaviors that are considered male or female"
Sexuality/Sexual Orientation - "a person’s capacity for sexual feelings; a person’s physical, mental, emotional, and sexual attraction to a particular sex (male or female)"
- Gender and Sexuality play a much larger role in society than we often realize; it becomes very apparent when you step back and think about it
- I identify as cisgender (female - the gender I was born with) and straight (attracted to the opposite sex, men).
- Throughout life, I have experienced mild setbacks due to being female, for our society (while incredibly advanced in equality) still naturally benefits males.
- Examples: treatment by male peers in school
- My sexuality, however, has never put me at a
disadvantage - I do have many LGBTQ+ friends
from high school who have shared their
personal experiences with me.