Facts About North Carolina
1. The oldest public university in the US is UNC Chapel Hill.
2. Krispy Kreme started out in North Carolina.
3. North Carolina is known for its Musicians one of them is Chris Daughtry and he was born in Roanoke Rapids.
4. In Fayettville, NC, Babe Ruth hit his first professional home run
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5. Half of the sweet potatoes are grown in NC.
6. The Venus fly trap is native to Hampstead, North Carolina.
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7. In 1903 the Wright Brothers flew the first plan.
8. Pepsi was created in NC by a pharmacist.
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9. in Asheville, North Carolina, they have the largest mansion called the Biltmore House.
10. The Graveyard of the Atlantic is in NC where 1000 ships sunk.
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11. Blackbeard spent years sinking ships along the coast of NC
12. Cape Hatteras was the largest lighthouse to be moved.
13. The first minature golf course was built in Fayetteville.
14. The oldest town in NC is Bath.
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