Why and how should ONE seize the opportunity ?
The example of Niger:
- 45% living in extreme poverty
- 80% less than 35 years old
- 83% of young women are illiterate
- 7 children on average per woman
Why the Sahel matters to us?
The Alliance for the Sahel
- France
- Germany
- EU
- World Bank
- AfDB
Towards the Alliance with the Sahel ...
Towards the Alliance with the Sahel ...
G5 countries France
... and a new Grand Bargain
... and a new Grand Bargain
3 principles...
- Increased financial resources for development
- Change of methods and innovation
- Transparency and accountability achieve joint results...
- every member to make contributions to joint results
- forcing moment: Sahel Summit in 2018
...for a stable & prosperous Sahel
Proof of concept of how development can deliver in fragile settings
...for a stable & prosperous Sahel
- Proposals on policy substance & framework
- Behind-the-scenes advocacy