The court case of Chester Gillette
Who is Chester Gillette
- Born in Montana on August 9, 1883.
- Worked for his uncle at a skirt factory in Cortland,NY.
- Was convicted of murdering Grace Brown.
- Died in Auburn,NY on March 30, 1908.
Who Is Grace Brown
- Born in Chenango Valley,NY on March 20, 1886.
- Worked in a Skirt Factory in Cortland,NY.
- Died July 11th, 1906 in Big Moose Lake,NY.
- Her Murder caused a Nationwide Sensation.
topic 2
Court Case of Chester Gillette
- Taken in on July 12th,1906.
- He pleaded not guilty after being accused of murdering Grace Brown.
- Pleaded in the First degree of Murder.
- Executed by the electrical chair in at the Prison Facility in Auburn,NY