Nationalism Timeline
Events of 1867
Canada enters into Confederation
- New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Quebec, Ontario
- Queen remainds head of state
- Defense, postal service, criminal law, and banks are federal responsibility
- Education, health, natural resources are Provincail
Constitution Act Signed
- Canadien gov, Queen, citizens of Canada
- Nove Scotia, and New Brunswick
- Added the charter of rights and freedoms to Canada
- It formally united the colonies entering Confederation and established federalism, meaning the distribution of powers between the federal gov and the provincial legislatures.
Events of 1885
Riel Rebellion (North-West Rebellion)
- March 26, 1885 – June 3, 1885
- Resistance by the Metis and other aborginal groups under Louis Riel, combating the Canadien Gov
- This took place in Saskatchewan
- Widspred axiety of land claims, and if the aborginals will keep there land, so they fought the Canadien gov.
- Metis fighting for indigenous ways of life
Events of 1915
Canada Fights in WWI
- January & March of 1915
- Canadiens fought Germany
- Canadian infantrymen were located on the Western Front
- The British declaration of war automatically brought Canada into the war due to Canada's legal status as a British Dominion colony
Events of 1931
Statute of Westminster
- December 11, 1931
- Signed in UK/Canada
- Decree by the British gov allowing Canada to now control foregin policy matters (Full Control)
- Canada sought to gain formal recognition of their autonomy from the United Kingdom
Events of 1939
- Canada fights in WWII
- Sept 10, 1939
- Canada fought German, Italian, and Japanese forces
- Battle of Britain, North Africa, Italy and the Normandy invasion.
- Canada joined the fight, due to Germany threatened the very existence of Western civilization.
Events of 1945
- Canada Joins the UN
- June 6, 1945
- Canada & UN (consiting of 51 founding members)
- UN goal is to matain international peace, so that is the reason why Canada joined as a founding member.
- This keeps peace agreements between Canada and all 193 other
Events of 1948
- Peacekeeping is invented
- Canada and all other UN nations
- provide security and the political and peacebuilding support to help countries make the difficult, early transition from conflict to peace
- this is important to Canada becuase it belives everyone deserves the goals of this, and to be a safe place for people to live
Events of 1949
- Canada joins NATO
- April 4, 1949 Washington D.C.
- Canada & NATO (Consiting of 12 founding members)
- Created to provide collective security against the Soviet Union.
- NATO's purpose is to guarantee the freedom and security of its members through political and military means
Events of 1960
- Quiet Revolution
- Quebec 1960s
- Franchaphoens of Quebec
- a period of unbridled economic and social development in Quebec, French Canada and Canada
- Helped Quebec develope to where it is today
Events of 1965
- Canadian flag adopted
- George Stanley creates concept
- One of 3 short listed flags
- Commite votes for the Stanley single leaf concept
- Made official in a proclamation by Queen Elizabeth II
- January 28, 1965
Events of 1969
- Official Languages Act
- Sept 7, 1969
- Declared French and English the two official languages of Canada
- Required that all federal institutions provide services in French and English
- Royal Commision on Bilingualism and Biculturalism
Events of 1971
- Official Multiculturalism
- Policy adopted by Pierre Trudeau's Liberal Gov't
- Solution to manage rising Francophone Nationalism
- Acknowledges the exterme diveristy in backgrounds and cultures
Events of 1976
- CRTC created
- Established by the Brodcasting Act
- Regulates and supervises all media sources in Canada
- TV, radio, brodcasting, etc.
- Implemented to promote Canadain media and protect from external media sources and content
Events of 1977
- Bill 101
- Quebec language policy
- Purpose was to allow francophones in Quebec to assert ones self in Frnech
- Stated originally that all children must be educated in french
- Aug 26, 1977
Events of 1980
- O Canada adopted as anthem
- written by Sir Adolphe-Basile Routhier
- June 27, 1980
- proclaimed by Governor General Edward Schreyer on Parliament Hill
- National Energy Program
- implemented to ensure Canada could provide oil and gas on its own
- Opposed by private industry and provincal gov't
- 3 main objectives: Increase Canadian participation in the oil and gas sector, establish fair energy pricing for Canadian consumers, and secure Canada’s supply of oil and gas
Events of 1989
- Canada joins NAFTA
- North American Free Trade Agreement
- Canada - USA - Mexico
- Eliminates barries with trade bewtween countries
- January 1
- Mexico joins in '94
Events of 1990
- Oka crisis
- Sept 26, 1990 --> Oka, Quebec
- conflict between Mohawk and Canadian law enforcement (police, army, etc.)
- Sparked from the want to build a golf course and residency on Mohawk burial grounds
- Lasted 78 days