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Tertiary Consumers

4th Trophic Level

Secondary Consumers

3rd Trophic level

Primary Consumers

2nd Trophic Level

Amazon River

Food Web


1st Trophic Level

The Sun

The sun is the source of all life and the basis for almost all ecosystems on earth.


Phytoplankton {Euglenophyta}

A unicellular aquatic algae, euglenophytal is a producer that makes its food from the sun. It is at the base of many aquatic food webs.



Interesting Facts

-This specific type of plankton lives in a fresh water.

-They are able to move around with the use of flagella.

Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia Crassipes)

Water Hyacinth

The water hyacinth is a plant that is native to the Amazon River. It receives its energy from the sun through photosynthesis,

The water hyacinth produces tons of seeds from each fruit that feed many fish.


Interesting facts

- Labeled as the world's worst water weed

-The mats that the water hyacinth creates can grow up to 6 feet thick.

Interesting facts

Green Algae {Chlorophyta}


Algae is one of the main food sources for many aquatic animals including turtles. Like phytoplankton they get their energy from the sun and through the process of photosynthesis make food for the other parts of the food web.


Interesting Facts



-There are over 20 000 types of algae.

-Algae produces 71% and possibly up to 87% of oxygen on earth.

Victoria Amazonica Water Lilies {Victoria Lindl}

Water Lilies

These water lilies are some of the biggest, flowering for only 48 hours they dominate many still water areas of the river with their huge leaves. In the food web they are a food source for herbivores such as manatees and their pollen is eaten by insects such as beetles.

Interesting Facts

-The Victoria water lilies can grow up to 2.5 meters across and can hold the weight of a small child.

-They were named in honor of queen Victoria.

Interesting facts


Manatee {Trichechus inunguis}


A kind of fresh water Manatee that lives in the Amazon River, mostly inhabiting the black water lakes and lagoons connected to the main channel. They are generally solitary with the biggest groups are usually only 4-8 manatees.

Diet: A manatee is a herbivore and so, a primary consumer. Their diet consists of leafy aquatic vegetation including water lilies.


Interesting Facts

Also known as “sea cows”, the manatee and its close relative the Dugong are currently the only plant-eating marine mammals in modern times.

Interesting Facts

Yellow Spotted Amazon River Turtle{Podocnemis Unifilis}


Although the yellow spotted amazon river turtle is native to the Amazon it can still be found in Columbia, Ecuador, and northeastern Peru.

Diet: As an omnivore, the yellow spotted amazon river turtle eats a variety of organisms. Including algae, fruit and small fish.

The Yellow Spotted Amazon River Turtle can live up to 70 years old.


Interesting Facts

It is one of the largest South American river turtles growing up to 45 centimeters and weighing around 8 kg.

Shrimp (Caridea)


Shrimp are crustaceans that can be found in various water ecosystems throughout the world. Including rivers and lakes.

Diet: A shrimps diet mainly consists of plankton and algae. However, they are also known to eat dead fish, or any other decaying matter along the riverbed.

Interesting Facts

-There are over 2,000 different species of shrimp throughout the world.

-The shrimps heart is located in its head.

Interesting Facts


Tambaqui {Colossoma Macropomum}

Black Pacu

A Large fresh water fish, the tambaqui, or black pacu are generally a primary consumer in the food web.

Diet: Their diet consists of mostly nuts, seeds, aquatic plants and fruit.


Interesting Facts

The Black Pacu is often referred to as the vegetarian piranha because they are built very similarly except the teeth of the Pacu are made for crushing nuts rather than tearing flesh.

Interesting Facts

Alligator Gar {Atractosteus spatula}

Alligator Gar

These are among the oldest living fish on the earth today and are often referred to as “Primitive fishes”, or “fossil fish”.

They are a relatively passive, seemingly sluggish and solitary fish, but are voracious ambush hunters. They float just below the surface of the water and feed on unsuspecting water fowl, small rodents, and other fish.


Interesting Facts

The Alligator Gar can breathe both through air and water!

This fish's swim bladder is highly vascularized and is connected to the pharynx (membrane lined cavity connecting to the esophagus) by a pneumatic duct. This enables them to gulp air, which aids in discretionary air breathing. It also allows the Alligator Gar to breathe when there are low levels of oxygen in the water.

Stingray {Myliobatoidei}


The stingray can grow to have a disc width of approximately 18 inches and a tail of about 1 foot long and 1 inch wide.

Their diet consists mainly of crustaceans, other invertebrates, and, sometimes, small fish. They have very powerful jaws so it can easily break the shells of clams and mussels. They will also eat shrimp, earthworms, and smelt (small fish found in the Amazon River, Pacific, and Atlantic Oceans).


Fun Facts

Interesting facts

The stingray's spine is constantly being shed and replaced. At times, they may even have 2 at once.

Although the stingray is a docile creature, they inflict more yearly human injuries than any other animal in the Amazon River.

Amazon River Dolphin {Inia Geoffrensis}

Growing up to 9.2 ft long and weighing up to 352 lbs, the pink river dolphin inhabits the Amazon River as well as other South American rivers.

River Dolphin

Diet: As carnivores and 2 degree consumers, these dolphin's diet consists of small animals such as shrimp, crabs, fish and turtles.

Fun Facts

Interesting Facts

  • The amazon pink river dolphin can reach up to 8 feet in length.
  • They can blue, pink or albino.
  • The pink dolphin is gray when it's born but as it matures its skin becomes more transparent, allowing the pink color of its blood to shown through.


Piranha (Pygocentrus Nattereri)


The piranhas diet consists mainly of fish, crustaceans, seeds and other plants , worms, carrion, insects and other bugs.

However, some piranhas are vegetarians and some are cannibals. When food source is low and competition is high, some piranhas have been known to bite a fellow piranha, living or dead. There are also some species of piranhas that are mainly vegetarian with a diet consisting mostly of river weed.


Interesting Facts

Piranhas make 1 or 3 sounds in different situations. When it has been caught by a fisherman or being threatened, it makes fast and bark like sounds as a warning to the predator. In the act of circling or actually fighting another fish it makes a low grunt or thud like sounds. These 2 sounds are made using the swim bladder which is an organ containing gas that keeps the fish afloat. To make different noises at different frequencies, the piranha contracts and relaxes the muscles around the swim bladder. Should the predator not back down, the piranha will then gnash its teeth together and chase the threat.

Bull Shark {Carcharhinus leucas}

Bull Shark

The bull shark is considered one of the most dangerous sharks in the world. Most Bull Sharks span lengths of about 7 ft and weigh approximately 500 pounds, however, there are some reported cases of them being over 13 ft long.

The diet of the Bull Shark is not overly complicated because the creature is not picky. The Bull Shark will eat just about anything that crosses its path, including its own species if they're small enough..

Interesting Facts

While the typical shark has 15 rows of teeth, the Bull shark has 50 rows of teeth in its jaws. Each row has 7 teeth in it for a total of about 350 teeth in the Bull shark's mouth at any given time. Every time a shark loses a tooth, a tooth in the row behind it will move up and take its place, so a shark may lose and regrow over 20,000 teeth in its lifetime !

Interesting Facts


Anaconda {Eunectes murinus}


The Anaconda holds the title for both the heaviest and longest snake in South America, growing up to 5 meters in length (17 feet). In relation to diameter and width, it is the largest snake in the world.

In the Amazon food chain, they are practically on top with their only predators being the occasional jaguar or caiman. They eat mainly small rodents, fish, birds, and sometimes other reptiles, including another anaconda. This cannibalism between the species tends to happen when a larger female eats a smaller male. They are also capable of eating larger animals such as capybaras, tapirs, and even caimans.


Interesting Facts

While there are 4 anaconda species , the Green anaconda is the largest and the most popular of the 4.

The rarest of the anaconda species are the Dark-spotted anaconda (Eunectes deschauenseei) which can be found in the Brazilian Amazon, and the Bolivian Anaconda (Eunectes beniensis) which is found in the Bolivian Rainforest.

Caiman (Caimaninae)

The caiman is a species of reptile that is related to alligators and crocodiles. It can be found in freshwater habitats in both Central and South America.


Diet: The caiman's main diet is composed of fish such as piranhas, catfish and perch. As a carnivore that eats other carnivores, the caiman is a tertiary consumer.


Fun Facts

Interesting Facts

-There are six different species of caiman in the Amazon River.

-The black caiman can grow up to 16 ft and is the largest predator in the Amazon ecosystem.

River Jaguar [panthera lumen]

The River Jaguar is a species of Jaguar that is more adapted to live in the water. Their long, muscular tails, slick fur, webbed feet, and short legs help them be more streamline in the water. They can hold their breath for over an hour. They can also see well in the water as they have developed a third eyelid.

River Jaguar

Diet: The River Jaguar eats all of the top preedators in the ecosystem with an exception of the Bull Shark. With this being said there is also a risk to the River Jaguar to be hunted in turn.


Interesting Facts

The River Jaguar sometimes hunt in pairs! They usually do this while they are raising their cubs.

The parents stay together to help raise the cubs before going their seperate ways.

Parents are often more successful hunting together than on their own, in the future they may adapt to mating for life.

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