Tobias Jansson
seminarium del 1
Del 1
Lära sig engelska
seminarium del 2
Del 2
Tenta & GruppEX
- Why does Kevin suggest using shuttering? and why is shuttering generally used in projects?
- What was the problem with the wooden formwork?
- Can you see anything in the construction process that is different to how it would be made here in Sweden in Joes project? or anything else that is different?
- What are your thoughts regarding Joes and Linas house?
- What are the main differences between applying for a building permit in sweden compared to england?
- Are there any differences between how a building inspector works in Dawsons Creek compared to here in Sweden?
- Do you know anything or have experience regarding foreign building codes? Did you hear anything fascinating or did you hear about someone building somewhere?
- Describe where you live and why you choose to live in the house where you live right now
Del 2 seminarium
- What will be the toughest situations you will end up in as a building inspector at a municipality?
- Do we need to be able to speak english to our citizens and provide them with information in english?
- What are the main parts of a house?
- What are all the drawings called in english that you would need to apply for a building permit in Sweden?
- What will be the hardest part of the upcoming exam? which subject is your worst within this course? Why?
- If you were to build your dream house - how would it look? where would it be located? how many stories? what facadematerial would it be? what would be the "style"?