MANED WOLF (Chrysocyon brachyurus)
The Basics
The maned wolf is famously known for having the appearance of a fox or wolf.
But it's neither a fox or a wolf.
What is it?
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Canidae
Genus: Chrysocyon
Species: Chrysocyon brachyurus
- Fossil record shows they were present during the Late Pleistocene/Holocene era in Brazil
- Three subfamilies of Caniformia existed during Pleistocene
- Borophaginae
- Hespercyoninae
- Caninae
- One hypothesis, out of all great-sized South American canids, the maned wolf was the only species to survive the Pleistocene Ice Age; based on genetic studies (Chrysocyon brachyurus (Illiger, 1815))
Present-Day Tree
- Sister taxa is the Bush Dog (Speothos venaticus)
- Even still, the bush dog looks nothing like the maned wolf
- Foxes and wolves are clear outgroups
Present-Day Tree
Pre-historic tree
Pre-historic Tree
- DNA evidence shows the Falkland island wolf has the closest relationship to the maned wolf
- Shared a common ancestor 6 mya
- Went extinct in the 1800's due to human hunting
Physical characteristics of maned wolf solidify why they aren't foxes or wolves
- Partially fused paw pad (golden jackel, dhole, maned wolf)
- Foxes have vertically slit pupils, maned wolf has round pupils
- Height 3 ft or higher, much taller than foxes (1-2 ft) and wolves (2-3 ft tall)
Endemic to South America - Argentina, South and Central Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia and Peru
- Occupy Forests, Savannas, Shrublands, Grasslands, Wetlands
Characteristics of Species
Characteristics of Species
- Longest legs out of all canidae, stands up to 3 ft tall
- Largest canid, larger than Mackenzie Valley wolf
- Long, thick red coat
- Black mane at the nape that raises up in defense
- Black legs
- Territory marking, urine smells like skunk or marijuana
- Unique roar-bark
- Unlike most canids, they travel solo or in monogamous pairs with their mate
- Copulation and mating are very similar to dogs (anogenital sniffing, monoestrus, breeding season in April to June)
- Male and female engage in parental care
- 2-5 pups per litter
- Pups don't have the red fur
- Young stay under care for 1 year
- Lifecycle is typically 12-15 years
Diet and Effect on Ecosystem
Diet and Effect on Community
Omnivores (50-75% vegetation)
Symbiotic relationship with... ANTS?!
- Eat wolf apples
- Defecate on nests of leaf-cutter ants
- Ants dispose of seeds after using scat as fertilizer
- Nocturnal with crepuscular activity peaks
- Hunt invertebrates, reptiles, birds, and small mammals
- May hunt with mate or even call them over after a successfull hunt
- Accused of predation on domestic fowl
- Scavenge trash in parks when desperate
Species Conservation
Species Conservation
- Classified as near threatened
- Possibly 20,000 in Brazil
- Habitat destruction is the main threat
- Protected in Brazil, Paraguay, and Bolivia but difficult to enforce laws
- Killed for sport
- Body parts have been sold because of their "magical properties"
- Disease transmission from domestic dogs
Typically highly alert and avoid human interactions
As a result, not well studied and information is based on captive individuals
Current research is studying disease, locomotion, and reproduction