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Who Is A Leader In My Life
Definition Of Leadership
The leader in my life is my Mom. She has always been my biggest supporter. She is the one who helped me in taking the first steps, encouraged me whenever I fell down.
Its the ability of an individual or a group of individuals to influence and guide followers or other members of an organization to success.
Leading With Lollipops Summary
where one individual positively shapes another person's life, but may not realise there impact on there lives.
Is Leadership More About Words or Actions
Actions speak louder than word because it’s the actions which influence people more than words. Words inspire people to take actions but ultimately it’s the actions which lead to the destination. Words and action are often used simultaneously to make a difference in the outcome.
Jazz S.
[Understanding your personal characteristics, skills, and talents that influence how you make decisions and lead groups.]
Finding out qualities that you possess and how can they help you lead is essential for the 'know' category.
It is very important to know your different traits and skills that influence your leadership ability.
Who Can Be A Leader?
In the video, is it just the 'lone nut' who is the leader?
The first follower is what transforms a lone nut into a leader. Because with the two, it emulates others to join. It's not one or two lone nuts, three is a crowd and the crowd is news.
Not neccesarily. In fact, you could consider the first person to join him a leader. This is because he had the courage to join the original dude; if he did not, then there's a posibility that the others may not have joined him as well.
It's important to show both the leader and follower, not just the leader. And with that, there is tons of people.
Knowing your personality type help you develop your leadership skills because your personality affects many aspects of your life, such as how you work more effectively, resolving disputes, communicating with others, and much more. Personality determines your behavior. You can also use it to your advantage, by identifying your strongest skills. Some people are more analytical, others are more better at communication. The main point is to find your strongest skill, and use that to help you with leadership.
This is kind of where trait leadership theory comes in. TLT focuses on identifying different personality traits and characteristics that are linked to successful leadership across a variety of situations. It also considers personal qualities and characteristics that differiante leaders from non leaders. Personality traits can fall into abilities, personal traits, and motivators. But also, they can fall into the four basic personality traits.
Topic 3 : Grow
The process of focusing on your strengths to elevate your abilities and develop your skills into college and career-ready talents.
Competency :
the ability to do something successfully or efficiently.
The three different competencies : core competencies, cross functional competencies and functional competencies.
I thnk these concetps are important because they are going to help you in the futrue and get you prepared for what you want to do with your life. developing these skills will help you accomplish with having good organization skills, taking helpful notes, and help you be more motivated..
Growth Mindset & a Fixed Mindset: Someone with a growth mindset views intelligence, abilities, and talents as learnable and capable of improvement through effort. fixed mindset views those same traits as inherently stable and unchangeable over time.
Utilizing your abilities in a setting where you may put your skills and talents into action (i.e. jobs, clubs, sports, etc.).
How to go on
To Go on you can use the knowledge you know to go on foward to apply what you have learned to get jobs, clubs, or sports. To move foward you can have someone to hold you accountable so you dont get off task.