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Sports corruption refers to the act of using unethical or illegal means to influence the outcome of sporting events. It is a global phenomenon that has affected various sports and has been a source of concern for athletes, and fans. Sports corruption can take different forms such as match-fixing, bribery, and manipulation of referees or officials. The impact of sports corruption can be devastating, as it undermines the integrity of sports, erodes public trust, and can even result in criminal activities. The fight against sports corruption is an ongoing battle that requires the cooperation of stakeholders at all levels to ensure fair and transparent sports competitions.



Money can be a major driver of corruption in sports leagues because it creates powerful incentives for individuals and organizations to engage in unethical behavior

> Problem Statement


>NFL money

when there was 14 teams in the NFL 13 of those teams had a broadcasting deal with CBS the Browns were the only team to keep local broadcaating rights but that changed when the NFL and CBS signed a 4.65 million dollar contacrt. Every team at the time got some of that money and started ruvne sharing

Revune sharing

Any money team makes money every other team makes money for example if someone buys a Broncos jersery the Broncos will get money and the Lions will also get money

>Revune Sharing

Winning and losing

> wins and playoffs

How well a team does in one seson will incress porfits by 10% but the team still needs to spilt the money making the team have a 0.14% increase. This means a 17-0 team makes the same asa 0-17 team


> Playoffs

If a team misses playoffs they still get playoff money to cover gets playoff expenses this includes players salaries. The only time a team gets to keep money is conncessions and parking but only on the playoffs.


> broadcasting rights and local rights

Every broadcast deal is shared 61%-75% of the leages revune comes from brordcasting rights.

local revune

In 2015 each team got 222.6 million dollars. that means the NFL got 7.5 billion dollars that number does not inclued revune from stadium naming rights, luxury boxes and ads.

> local revune

Ticket sales

during the regular sesaon the home team get 66% of the money from ticket sales the rest is shared

> Tickets

The NBA has multpuly froms of revune sharging but big market teams still has the upperhand


> NBA money

Basketball reltaed income

BRI= all national broadcasting rights. Merch sales, tickets, and concessions 5 billion a year.

>Basketball reltated income

Collective Bargaing Agrement

Collective bargaining agreement owners can take 50% goes into the salaries cap reason why a 7’0 center 10-minute games.

>Collective Bargaing Agrement

The Problem with Colletive bargaing Agrement and the BRI

> The problem

Even getting 50% of the BRI owners stil claim they don't have money. In 2015 the NBA commissioner Adam Silver said “I don’t know the precise number and don’t even want to get into it, but a significant number of teams are continuing to lose money and they continue to lose money because their expenses exceed their revenue”. Adam silver basscily said the BRI and the Colletive bargaing agrement does not work

Revune sharing

In the 2011 NBA season, only 10 teams made a profit, all of them major market teams. 2013-2014 revenue sharing of approximately 140 million dollars in salaries covered a fair amount of money, small market teams had to generate 70% of the league average. Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban said, “[The new revenue-sharing plan] certainly helps level the playing field. The question is whether it is enough to overcome the growing disparity in media rights fees''. Unlike the NFL the NBA allows teams to sell their local media rights.

> Revune sharing

Major market vs Small market time

> Major market vs Small market teams

In 2011 the LA Lakers signed a 20 year deal with Time Warner Cable. The Lakers got $200 million a season from this deal. The Lakers made more money in a month than the Memphis Grzzlies or the Milwaukee bucks do in a season. Major market teams aslo gets more money non basketball realted income and this money dosent get shared.


> Playoffs

Unlike the NFL teams, NBA teams make a profit in the playoffs. Some of the revune is shared becuace of the playoff pool. the pool is funed by tickets. The longer a team spends in the playoffs the more the more they can draw from the pool.

The comeback

> the comeback

Surprisingly no NBA franchises are folding but their valuations are increasing at an incredible rate. With an abundance of revenue for teams to share with $24 billion broadcasting rights with ESPN and Turner Sports 1 billion dollar deal merchandise deal with Nike, growing interest from international markets, and more corporate sponsorships, the average NBA team was valued at more than 1 billion dollars making it a 74 percent increase from 2014 to 2015.


> NHL money

Hockey related revenue

The NHL has a system like the NBAs BRI called Hockey Related Revenue (HRR). The HRR puts the responsibility on 15 teams that are eligible to receive funds to improve their financial standings,



> revenue

approximately 53 percent of the NHL’s revenue comes from ticket sales. broadcasting rights are less than 20 percent of the NHL revenue stream. Because of how the NHL gets most of its money only 10 franchises bring in 50 percent of the NHL's total revenue.

indusry growrth fund

>indusry growth fund

From 2012 to 2013 the NHL tried the “industry growth fund” which held 20 million dollars annually from the HRR. For the franchise to get money from the fund, it must submit a business plan for league approval explaining how the team expects to increase sales. It failed

Labor strifes

In 2004-05 labor strife caused the season to be canceled, the NHL also had another labor strife in 2012-2013 that canceled half of the regular season.

>Labor strifes

Bad decisions

Out of all the teams in the NHL, only the seven teams in Canada are the NHL's most profitable, but the league kept expanding into the southern United States. The NHL only did this to shift the fan base which it back fried. The only good thing to come from moving south was getting a 200 million-dollar broadcasting deal from NBC. The southern team is the one who takes the most money from the revenue-sharing pot due to low fan turnout.

> dumb moves

quick fix

> quick fix

The NHL can still expand or relocate teams to places with more hockey fans this move makes more financial and common sense but to do so more hurdles have to be installed in the league’s constitution to allow these changes the league decided to launch the first major sports team in Las Vegas with the Golden Knights in 2017

Revune sharing

The NHLwas the last to initiate a revenue-sharing program

> Revune sharing

MLB and concluison

> MLB money

Revune sharing

started in 2002. New York Yankees president Randy Levine told Fox Sports, “What is very burdensome to us--and is unfair--is the amount of money we have to pay in revenue sharing compared, for example, to teams in our market (mets) that pay 10 times less than us. Hopefully, that is something that will get looked at in the next labor agreement”. The MLB said each team must contribute 34 percent of the “net local revenue” into the pool which is shared among all 30 teams.

> Revune Sharing

Big market and small market

> Big market and small market teams

Not all teams pay 34% some teams worked out a deal with the league that limited that percentage, as the Los Angeles Dodgers agreed to the MLB to keep the franchise from bankruptcy. A separate pool has 20 percent called the national baseball revenue, and 75 percent is shared. The 25 percent left over is handed out to the lowest revenue-producing teams based on how far below the average franchise earrings might fall. Fifteen MLB teams were deemed ineligible to draw from the pot. The other 15 were watched by the league to make sure the money was being properly used for improvements


> Taxes

The MLB also started doing a luxury tax which penalizes high payroll teams on a dollar-for-dollar basis. The money does not go to the franchises with the lowest payrolls. Money goes to to the commissioner

Indsutry gworth fund

The Yankees contributed a reported amount of 90 million dollars that got paid out for revenue sharing and another 26 million dollars in luxury taxes in 2015. If the Yankees had a long playoff run in 2015 they would have had to put more money into revenue sharing.

> Indsury growth fund


15 percent of ticket sales go to the commissioner’s office. The remaining 85 percent is distributed between the teams and the Players Pool. The player pool is to pay out contart bonuses and incentives, The current agreement calls for the player pool to receive 50 percent of the tickets sales from wild card games, and 60 percent, from the first four championship series and World Series games. any playoff team can claim any ticket revenue not paid to the commissioner's office or player pool--the home team takes revenue from concessions, merchandise, and parking that a playoff run generates. An MLB team can increase the amount of revenue from a title run if both the league championship and world series are won in seven games.

> playoffs

> concluison

In 2016-17 the big four NFL, NBA, NHL, and MLB made approximately 36 billion dollars. Athletes getting paid 14.8 million dollars or 42% of the 36 billion. The Big 4 sports leagues all depend on revenue sharing which isn't a bad thing but the poorer teams still don’t benefit from it as much as the richer teams do.

players and owners POV and lawsuits, and scandals


At the 2012 Ninth Circuit Judicial Conference there was a panel called “Federal Courts, Federal Law and Profession Sports: Emerging rends in AntitruTst, Labor and Intellectual”. Former President and COO from 2002-2010 of the MLB Robert A. DuPuy Esq told the audience “We sell fantasy. We don’t sell reality. And we have grown men and women in costumes playing for millions of dollars and more importantly enthralling tens of millions of people. Furthermore, we sell competition. Our teams and our athletes have to be bitter, bitter rivals and competitors on the field of play. And we need rules. We sell uncertainty of outcome, and frankly, we need economic rules”.


NHL head coach John Tortorella said “ we are playing hockey. Other people are doing real stuff…Quite honestly we are entertainers”.

>NHL example


Former NFL player Joe Thomas said “the NFL is an entertainment business. It's turning into the WWE. It’s like Vance McMahon stuff. Goodell is like Vince McMahon”. The leagues treats their players like toys. leagues only care more about the ratings is when player safety. when Bills' safety Damar Hamlin had a cardiac arrest after a play the NFL wanted the players to come back out of the field to stretch and to resume the game. The players refused to keep playing. It took the NFL an hour to cancel the game.

> NFL example

NFL Lawsuit

The NFL settled a concussion lawsuit with players for 765 million dollars in August 2013. The NFL has settled with more than 4,500 former NFL players in their joint lawsuit involving concussion-related injuries.

> NFL lawsuit

NBA scandal

Tim Donaghy, the NBA ref was caught betting on games. For four years Donaghy was betting on games including ones that he officiated. For at least 5 months starting in December 2006, Donaghy was telling people who to bet on through phone calls and coded language. He violated one of the primary tenets for referees by providing the gamblers with information about referee assignments, relationships between referees and players, and the health of players. providing that confidential information violates N.B.A. rules, Donaghy did insider trading for sports. In his guilty plea, he said he joined in on a scheme to deprive the N.B.A. of his honest services. “I was in a unique position to predict the outcome of N.B.A. games,” said Donaghy. He was paid to make picks on games he first started getting paid 2,000 dollars per correct pick then later on 5,000 dollars according to court records.

> NBA scandal


The NHL got sued over concussions from 10 former players. ESPN said the 10 players that sued the NHL. In the complaint it states “The NHL has been aware of and understood the significance of the published medical literature dating from as early as the 1920s that there is a serious risk of short-term and long-term brain injury associated with repetitive traumatic impacts to the head to which NHL players are exposed, During that time, the NHL knowingly and fraudulently concealed from then-current NHL players and former NHL players the risks of head injuries in NHL games and practices, including but not limited to the risks associated with returning to physical activity too soon after sustaining a sub-concussive or concussive injury”. The NHLs commissioner Gary Bettman said “We have, on our own, a long history, going back to 1997, of taking concussions very seriously…We spend a lot of time, money, and effort working with the players’ association on player safety.” A settlement has not been reached.

> NHL lawsuit

MLB lawsuit

The MLB had to pay a 185 million dollar settlement to minor league players over minimum wage and overtime allegations. The suit was filed in February of 2014 by former Miami Marlins minor leaguer Aaron Senne and two other retired minor leaguers. The suit was settled on May 10th three weeks before the trial. Thousands of players were able to get a part of the $120 million 65 million went to attorney fees and other costs. Also part of the settlement the MLB had sent out a memo that allows teams to pay minor league players during spring training, extended spring training, and instructional leagues in Florida and Arizona. Teams used to be blocked from doing so. Some minor league players continue to receive salaries below the poverty line after Congress in March 2018 passed a bill that exempted them from federal minimum wage and overtime laws. The majority of 5,000 players in the minor leagues make between $4,800 and $14,700 annually. Minor league players have been paid only during their season.

> MLB lawsuit



> NFL staff

Roger Goodwell became the cominser of the NFL in 2006 when that happend every form of game fixing or shady deals had happen from spygate, delfategate, the tuck rule, and more


> Refs

The tuck rule a pentalty that was never called till the Patriots and Radier playoff game and since that momnet refs. An other example of refs making a bad call is during the 2019 NFC Rams vs Sanits when the ref didnt call PI which allowed the Ram to kick a feild goal and win the game nothing happend to the ref


> Owners

Dan Snyder the most hated owner in the NFL. for good reason. The lawsuit alleges that Dan Snyder propositioned a cheerleader to have sex with his friend. The lawsuit alleges that Dan Snyder's response to a coach groping a female employee was telling that employee to avoid that coach. The lawsuit repeats a Washington Post report that team employees filmed cheerleaders in states of undress and created a video for Snyder set to a soundtrack of his favorite songs. The lawsuit alleges that Snyder fired two cheerleaders after a case of sexual misconduct involving a player. The lawsuit alleges that Snyder bullied male employees if they did not partake in the workplace culture. The lawsuit alleges that one employee felt comfortable engaging in sexual harassment because he was hired by Snyder. The lawsuit alleges that Snyder kept female employees in his vacation home basement while male employees/executives were upstairs with "sex workers." The lawsuit alleges that Daniel Snyder intimidated witnesses in the NFL's investigation into the team's workplace culture. The lawsuit alleges that Daniel Snyder offered financial payouts to prevent witnesses from participating in Wilkinson's investigation into the team's workplace culture The lawsuit alleges that the NFL and commissioner Roger Goodell knew about but downplayed the impact of Daniel Snyder's interference in the investigation. The lawsuit alleges that when Roger Goodell said the league did not know about the details of the investigation while it was ongoing, he was not telling the truth. The lawsuit states that the NFL allowed Daniel Snyder to secure 100 percent ownership of the team before the Wilkinson investigation had been completed.


> Coachs

EaglesGate in 2005: In a 2015 Outside the Lines report, ESPN reported that the Eagles were convinced the Patriots either stole their playbook or secretly videotaped their practices prior to winning Super Bowl XXXIX in Jacksonville.SpyGate in 2007: Belichick was fined $500,000, the largest amount ever for an NFL coach, and the Patriots were fined $250,000 and stripped of a first-round draft pick after being caught breaking NFL regulations and videotaping the Jets’ sideline during a game and presumably stealing signs and relaying the information onto the field. According to that ESPN report, the Patriots videotaped opposing coaches 40 times between 2000 and 2007. DeflateGate in 2014: The Colts accused the Patriots of deflating footballs during the AFC Championship Game, Tom Brady eventually wound up suspended for the first four games of 2016, and the Patriots were stripped of another first-round pick. HeadsetGate in 2015: The Steelers accused the Patriots of orchestrating the headset malfunction that led to Steelers coaches hearing a radio station in their headsets instead of being able to communicate with each other and their players.

PeytonGate in 2015: As first reported in 2015 by NBC Sports' Peter King, then with Sports Illustrated, Peyton Manning was so suspicious of the Patriots bugging the visiting locker room when the Colts visited Gillette Stadium that he refused to talk strategy with any coaches or teammates while he was inside the locker room.

BengalsGate in 2019: Belichick has been accused of cheating so many times his scandals don’t even get nicknames anymore, but this was similar to Spygate, with the Patriots caught filming the Bengals’ sideline. They claimed it was an “oversight” and actually part of a show called “Do your Job.” Sure.

>NBA staff

> coachs

> owners

3 stirkes. Former NHLer John Scott went out to explain his trade from Arizona to Montreal. Scott was familiar with then Habs GM Marc Bergevin, but when he went to talk to him, Bergevin revealed to Scott that he didn't even want to make the trade. "Yeah, when I got to Montreal, I didn't even go to Montreal I went to St. John's. I talked to Bergy, . I knew him from Chicago from when he was a scout. You know how they give jobs to ex players, here be a scout Bergy. I talked to him after the trade and he said "John I didn't even want yah. I just had to make this trade." And he didn't elaborate."

> NHL staff


NHL referee Tim Peel saying he was looking to call a penalty on Nashville for game management reasons, even though there was no real infraction when he called the penalty. The NHL reacted quickly when the clip went viral, immediately terminating Peel's employment with the league. Since being fired by the NHL, Peel has become very active on social media. former NHLers Brandon Dubinsky and Paul Bissonnette had agreed to meet for a Rangers game over Twitter when Tim Peel replied to the initial tweet

> Owners


Since he took over MLB and the players union, they have more strained relations. He once called the World Series trophy just a piece of metal. His handling of the Astros cheating scandal was abysmal. There was no striping of the World Series title, and no players were held accountable or suspended. He cost the city of Atlanta and its economy over $100 million dollars when he abruptly moved the All-Star game of out Atlanta based on political considerations. His pettiness has caused the loss of one of the most respected journalists. His handling of the present CBA has been hands-off except for mandating a lockdown that halted any transactions.

> MLB staff


> Owners

Arte Moren the owner of and angels has explored a sale in the first place due to the bad blood he shared with the Anaheim City Council. Moreno wanted to buy the land around the ballpark so he could develop it. But last May, the council canceled the Angel Stadium land sale following an FBI corruption probe into former Mayor Harry Sidhu for sending documents to the Angels during the negotiations, which prompted the Angels to threaten the city with two lawsuits.

> Coachs

the U.S. Department of Justice and FBI have launched an investigation into the recruitment of international players by MLB teams, according to a report Tuesday by Sports Illustrated and one name sticks outs Gabe Kapler the manger of the Dodgers. Here is a glaring portion of Sports Illustrated's report, referencing a document highlighting a time in which Kapler worked for the Dodgers."One particularly remarkable document shows that Dodgers executives in 2015 went so far as to develop a database that measured the perceived “level of egregious behavior” displayed by 15 of their own employees in Latin America. That is, using a scale of 1 to 5—“innocent bystander” to “criminal”—front-office executives assessed their own staff’s level of corruption. Five employees garnered a “criminal” rating."

Kapler did not return messages from Sports Illustrated seeking comment, according to the report. A Dodgers spokesman last week referred all questions to Major League Baseball officials in New York, per the report. "We had heard there was an investigation coming," one top baseball official said to Sports Illustrated about the overall probe. "But we didn't know it was a DOJ matter. I don't want to speculate, but, yeah, this could get interesting."



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