Rational Actor Model
Group 1
By: Brian ten Broeke, Casper Kastelein & Tom Smit
Course: Skills Lab 3
Tutor: J. Dowling
Research question: To what extent does the
RAM explain the events during the Fukushima disaster?
- Coherent utility function
Game theory
- Effects of possible actions
- Comprehensive rationality
Assumptions of RAM
- Coherent utility function
- Succesfully switched to on-site emergency power
- Shutdown of emergency power
- Period: start until hydrogen explosions on March 12 3.35 p.m.
Decision 1
Government take-over of crisis response
- Initially conflicts with unitary actor
Decision 2
Prime Minister Kan sends battery trucks to Fukushima Daiichi Plant
Decision 2
Decision 3
Prime Minister Kan's visit to the plant
Decision 3
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- Demetriou, D. (2011, 12 December). Wild monkeys to measure radiation levels in Fukushima. Retrieved on 12 March from https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/japan/8950513/Wild-monkeys-to-measure-radiation-levels-in-Fukushima.html
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