Psychology Family Tree
By: Isabelle , CJ , Liana, Alyssa
Dualism: The mind continues to exist after death, ideas were innate at birth
Believers of this theory
Socrates (469-399 B.C) and Plato (428-348 B.C) : Socrates and his student Plato believed the mind was separate from the body (Dualism), the mind continued to exist after death, and ideas were innate.
Rene Descartes (1596-1650) : Descartes, like Plato, believed in soul (mind)-body separation (Dualism), but wondered how the immaterial mind and physical body communicated.
Monism: Theory that suggests that knowledge grows from experiences.
Believers of this theory
Aristotle (384-322 B.C.): Aristotle suggested that the soul is not separable from the body (Monism) and that knowledge grows from experience.
John Locke (1632-1704): Locke believed that the mind was a blank slate at birth
Structuralism: used introspection to explore the elemental structure of the human mind
self-report of biological experiences
Structuralism Psychologists
Wilhelm Wundt (1832, 1920): opened the first psychology laboratory at the University of Liepzig (c. 1879)
It simply measured perceptual processing - the time it takes from hearing a bell ring to pressing a button.
Edward Titchener (1867, 1927) : Transferred Wundt's ideas to America "Structuralism"
Functionalism: The idea that our mind is a product of our environment and experiences
Psychologist's that belived in Functionalism
Evolutionary Psychology: Focuses on Darwinism and the natural selection of traits will promote survival
Biological: Explore the links between the brain and the mind
Charles Darwin (1809- 1882): Principal of natural selection (survival of the fittest), he had published "origin of species" developing the theory of evolution. Has created the longstanding debate of nature vs. Nurture.
William James “father of American psychology''(1842, 1910): Believed that consciousness cannot be studied so they studied behaviors. In 1890 hepublished “Principles of Psychology” (most influential text in history of psychology). He was most influenced by Charchels Darwin.
Mary Calkins (1863, 1930): Functionalist, and she was the 1st female president of American Psychology Association in1905.
Psychological science Devlops: Young science of psychology deveoped from more established fields of philosophy and psychology
Psychological science develops
Ivan Pavlov (1849-1936): Russian physiologist, Classical Conditioning
Sigmund Freud ( 1856- 1939): Austrian physician, Psychoanalytic Perspective, focus on unconscious mind
Cognitive:focus on the mental processing of the individual
Jean Piaget (1896- 1980): Swiss biologist, developmental psychologist focused on child cognitive development
More important psychologists
Behaviorism: Focuses on how we think, problem solve, evaluate and reason
John B. Watson (1878 - 1958): Founded behaviorism
B.F Skinner (1904- 1990): Behaviorist who rejected introspection and studied how consequences shaped behavior.
Humanistic approach: Focuses on positive growth, optimism, positive thinking
Carl Rogers (1902- 1987) and Abraham Maslow (1908- 1970): In the 1960's carl rodgers and Abraham maslow were humanists who emphasized importance of current enviromental influences on our growth potential importance of meeting our needs for love and acceptance
More important psychologists
The social-culture approach to psychology: How humans are motivated to achieve self-actualization and engage in positive thinking