Types of Computer Attacks
What is the computers Attacks?
Computers Attacks
A computer attack is an attempt to access your computer equipment or servers, through the introduction of viruses or malware files, to alter its operation, produce damage or subtract sensitive information for your company.
Spy ware
Ad Ware
The term malware is generic referred to any malicious software that aims to infiltrate a system to damage it. Although it looks like what is commonly known as virus, the latter is a type of malware and exists in the same category together with worms, Trojans, etc.
The virus is a code that infects the files of the system through an evil code, but for this to occur, it needs a user to execute it. Once this is in operation, it is disseminated throughout the system and any element that our account has access, from hardware devices to virtual drives or remote locations in a network.
A worm is a program that, once the team has been infected, makes copies of itself and disseminates them by the network. Unlike the virus, it does not need our intervention, nor from a medium of backup, as they can be transmitted using networks or email. They are difficult to detect, because it is aimed at spreading and infecting other equipment, they do not affect normal system operation.
Its main use is that of creating bot nets, which are zombie equipment farms used to execute actions remotely as for example a dding attack to another system.