Adolescent Development:
11-18 Years
Middle Childhood Development:
6-12 Years
- There is a two year difference between boys' and girls' growth spurts
- Girls experience growth spurts around 10.5 and boys around 12.5
- During these growth spurts, extremeties often grow before the main body parts which is why most adolescents go through an awkward, clumsy phase at this age
- Oil and sweat glands go into
overdrive at this stage which
is what causes pimples
- The biggest changes are the development of sex characteristics
- Primary and secondary sex characteristics develop
- Pysical growth is slow but steady
- By the age of 12, children are about 5 feet tall and weight about 80 pounds
- Girls are typically taller and heavier than boys by the end of this development stage
- Small mucle and motor skills are refined during this stage
- The biggest change during this stage is cognitive growth
Preschool Development:
2-6 Years
down at this stage
- Children are moving from gross motors skills to small motor skills
- Ex: children at this age can throw a big ball but not use scissors
- Children at this age need lots of physical activity
- Children of this age like to play games such as "Simon Says" and sing songs such as "If You're Happy and You Know It"
- From conception to two weeks
- New life has been created and has inherited all 46 chromosomes from the parents
- A genetic blueprint has been created for the new child
Prenatal Development:
0-12 weeks
13-24 weeks
25-36 weeks
- At birth, babies average about 7 pounds in weight and 19.5 inches in height
- Babies grow 10-12 inches in their first year
- By the age of 2, children are 50% of their adult height
- Most of the weight that babies gain early in their life is fat
- Fat production begins slowing down after 9 months
- From two to eight weeks
- Foundations of the brain, spinal cord, and nervous system have been established
- The heart begins beating
- The backbone and muscles begin forming
- Arms, legs, eyes, and ears have begun showing
- From eight to thirty-eight weeks
- Has everything that a fully developed adult would have
- The fetus can sleep, excercise, turn its head, and open and close its mouth
Infant Development:
- Sit: 6 months
- Creep: 8 months
- Crawl: 10 months
- Stand: 12 months
- Walk: 13 months
- From birth to two years
- 10 months- the child can imitate words, sounds, and actions
- 16 months- the child enjoys games and songs
- 18 months- the child's vocabulary expands rapidly
Physical Development Stages