1.Number Systems and Codes
Number System And Codes
- Introduction to number system and conversions: Binary, Octal, Decimal
- and Hexadecimal number Systems, Binary arithmetic: addition,
- subtraction (1‟s and 2‟s complement), multiplication and division.
- Octal and Hexadecimal arithmetic: Addition and Subtraction (7‟s and 8‟s
- complement method for octal) and (15‟s and 16‟s complement method
- for Hexadecimal).
- Codes: Gray Code, BCD Code, Excess-3 code, ASCII Code.
- Error Detection and Correction: Hamming code
Binary Number System
Decimal Number System
Base: 10
Largest Number: 9
Hexadecimal Number System
Base: 16
Largest Number: F
2. Boolean Algebra and Logic gates.
Boolean Algebra And Logic gates
- Theorems and Properties of Boolean Algebra, Boolean functions,
- Boolean function reduction using Boolean laws, Canonical forms,
- Standard SOP and POS form.
- Basic Digital gates: NOT , AND , OR , NAND , NOR , EXOR , EXNOR,
- positive and negative logic, K-map method 2 variable, 3 variable,
- 4 variable, Don't care condition, Quine-McClusky Method, NAND, NOR
- Realization.
3. Combinational Logic Design.
Combinational Logic Design
- Introduction, Half and Full Adder, Half subtractor Full Subtractor, Four
- Bit Ripple adder, look ahead carry adder, 4 bit adder subtractor, one digit
- BCD Adder, Multiplexer, Multiplexer tree, Demultiplexer,
- Demultiplexer tree, Encoders Priority encoder, Decoders, One bit,
- Two bit , 4-bit Magnitude Comparator, ALU IC 74181.
4. Sequential Logic Design.
Sequential Logic Design
- Sequential Logic Circuits use flip-flops as memory elements and in which their output is dependent on the input state
- Flip-flops and types of flip-flops.
- State Machines and State diagrams
- Asynchronous and Synchronous Counters
- Registers: 1) Bi-directional Shift Register and 2) Universal Shift Register.
- Ring and Sequence Generators.
5. Introduction to VHDL
Introduction To VHDL
VHDL (VHSIC Hardware Description Language) is a hardware description language used in electronic design automation to describe digital and mixed-signal systems such as field-programmable gate arrays and integrated circuits. <source: Wikipedia>
- Fundamental building blocks Library, Entity, Architecture,
- Modeling Styles, Concurrent and sequential statements
- Simple Design for Combinational and Sequential cricuits
CMOS Logic
6. Logic families
A logic family of monolithic digital integrated circuit devices is a group of electronic logic gates constructed using one of several different designs, usually with compatible logic levels and power supply characteristics within a family. <source: Wikipedia>
Digital Logic families
TTL Logic
A study of Terminologies like:
- Propagation Delay, , Fan in and Fan out
- Power Consumption , current and voltage parameters, noise margin
All these parameters w.r.t. TTL and CMOS Logic and their comparison