Paranoid Personality Disorder
By: Matsen, Erin, & Te'Ron
We will:
Discuss the processes in which Paranoid Personality Disorder is treated, as well as analyze the causes and symptoms of the disorder.
Focus Question
The Schizoid Individual Typical Traits
Common Traits
- Solitary - often seen as a “loner”
- Lack substantial personal relationships
- May have no desire for these
- Ambivalent
- Often anhedonic
- Includes sex
- Perceived as emotionally cold
- McWilliams: Schizoid individuals can be thought of as hyper-sensitive and highly perceptive
- To emotions, stimulation
- Easily overwhelmed, subsequently shrink from others
- Relatively rare for them to seek therapy without the urging of another
- When they do: may complain of depression, loneliness, isolation
- Most schizoid individuals do not see a problem with their lifestyle
Chief Complaint
- Various theories abound, even within psychodynamic psychology
- Detached or unloving parenting may promote a schizoid presentation in the child, as he or she seeks to regain power and control over their own emotional wellbeing
- Don’t want to depend on others for validation anymore
- Often more concerned with engulfment than abandonment
- Fear of dependence, loss of identity, loss of control
Developmental Psychodynamics
Symptoms of Paranoid Personality Disorder
- Doubt the commitment, loyalty, or trustworthiness
- Are reluctant to confide in others or reveal personal information due to a fear that the information will be used against them
- Unforgiving and hold grudges
- Hypersensitive and take criticism poorly
- Read hidden meanings in the innocent remarks or casual looks of others
- React with anger and are quick to retaliate
- People are unforgivable + hold grudges
- Hypersensitive + Take criticism poorly
- Read hidden meanings
- Stubborn, Hostile, & Argumentative
- Cold + Distant in relationships
- Controlling + Jealous
- Perceive attacks on their character
- Concerned others have hidden motives
- Show detachment
- Are socially isolated
- Problems with work + school
- Long term pattern of mistrust + suspicion
Primitive Defense Mechanisms:
Defense Mechanisms
What Are the Causes of Paranoid Personality Disorder?
- The cause of paranoid personality disorder is unknown
- Researchers believe that a combination of biological and environmental factors can lead to paranoid personality disorder
- The disorder is present more often in families with a history of schizophrenia and delusional disorders
- Early childhood trauma may be a contributing factor
- Treatment for PPD can be very successful. However, most individuals with this condition have trouble accepting treatment
- To a person with PPD, they don’t see their symptoms as unwarranted
- If an individual is willing to accept treatment, talk therapy or psychotherapy are helpful. These methods will:
- help the individual learn how to cope with the disorder
- learn how to communicate with others in social situations
- help reduce feelings of paranoia
Medications can also be helpful, especially if the person with PPD has other related conditions such as depression or anxiety disorder
Famous people with PPD
- Joseph Stalin (former secretary general of Russia during the Russian revolution in 1971)
- Saddam Hussein (president of Iraq)
- Richard Nixon (37th president of the United States)
- Adolf Hitler (leader of the Nazi Party)
Did You Know?
- They are often tongue-tied, feel empty, lost, and pained early in therapy
- Long silences may be required, as the client internalizes their sense of safety with you
- Remember that, “the aloofness of the schizoid client is an addressable defense, not an insurmountable barrier to connection”
- They are often experienced as sensitive, honest, and authentic
- Be sensitive to their fear of engulfment
- When treated with consideration and respect, they are often cooperative and appreciative
Management of the Interview
Transference/ Countertransference
- Initial T/CT challenge: finding a way into their world without arousing too much anxiety about intrusion
- Due to their tendency to withdraw into detached/obscure styles of communication, it’s easy to fall into counter detachment, where they become an “interesting specimen”
- Transference: they will see whether or not the therapist is concerned enough to tolerate their confusing, off-putting messages while remaining determined to help
- Accustom to being categorized as hopeless recluse or amusing crackpot
- Resist CT tendencies to push them too quickly into disclosure and/or objectify/distance one’s self from them
- The more authentic the therapist is with the client, the more accessible their transference reactions will be
- Be prepared for an uncommon degree of authenticity, imagery, and level of awareness of emotion
- They fear being treated intrusively
- Stick to comments/casual reactions that do not push the client beyond the limits of what they’re expressing (early on)
- Use their phrases/words/images whenever possible
- The often fear being judged/written off
- Do not treat them like a “case”
- Normalizing is very important
- Convey that their inner world is comprehensible
- They are used to being disconfirmed and/or minimized by others
Therapeutic Implications
- Most common obstacle is eventual emotional comfort that can turn into an respite (for both parties) from worldly demands
- These clients tend to substitute therapists for other social connection, so pay attention to their progress
- Address the conflict between their desire for, and avoidance of, closeness
- Allow yourself to be seen as a real person (not just a transference object)
- They have many “as if” relationships, and need to experience real humanness
Schizoid vs. Compulsive Personalities
- Organic integrity, rather than moralistic and concerned with social appropriateness
- Identify feelings internally and resist relationships that invite their expression, rather than denying/isolating feelings
- May use compulsive quirks and defenses and may respond with intellectualization
Let's talk about Mr. D...
Bowins, B. (2020). Personality Disorders: A
Dimensional Defense Mechanism Approach.
American Journal of Psychotherapy, 153–
Willem, M., & Kahn, W. (2013). Schizoid
personality disorder linked to unbearable
and inescapable loneliness. European
Journal of Psychiatry, 24(1), 38–45.