Presented by: Naubiyeh Syed
- definition of islamic culture and civilization
- the rise of islam
- the islamic golden age
- islamic art and architecture
islamic culture and civilization:
what is islamic culture?
Islamic culture and civilization refer to the practices, beliefs, values, and achievements of the Muslim people and societies that have been shaped by the Islamic faith.
The rise of Islam:
- Islam originated in the Arabian Peninsula in the early 7th century.
- The religion was founded by the Prophet Muhammad, who was born in Mecca in 570 CE
- Muhammad began preaching the message of Islam publicly in Mecca, calling people to worship one God and follow his teachings.
- Many Meccans opposed Muhammad's message, and he and his followers faced persecution and violence.
- In 622 CE, Muhammad and his followers migrated to the city of Medina, an event known as the Hijra, which marks the beginning of the Islamic calendar.
- In Medina, Muhammad established a community of Muslims and became its political leader and religious authority.
- Over time, Islam spread beyond Arabia and became a major world religion with millions of followers.
- A period of cultural, economic, and scientific flourishing in the Islamic world from the 8th to 14th century.
- Advancements made in fields including science, medicine, math, art, and literature.
- Arabic translations of ancient Greek and Roman texts helped preserve knowledge.
- Inventions included algebra and the astrolabe.
- Produced exquisite art and architecture, such as the Alhambra and the Taj Mahal.
- Islamic scholars helped shape the European Renaissance.
- A time of great intellectual and cultural achievement.
In Astronomy:
Contributions of Islamic scholors
- Astronomy was important to muslims because of their religion.
- By the moon, muslims determine their begining and end of the month.
- By the sun, muslim determine the time foe prayer and fasting.
- Muslims determine the precise direction of the Qibla and face the HOLY KA'ABAH while praying.
- The Quran has many refrences related to Astronomy, "AND IT IS HE WHO CREATED THE NIGHT AND THE DAY, AND THE SUN AND THE MOON AND ALL (heavenly bodies) ARE SWIMMING IN AN ORBIT " [NOBLE QURA'AN 21:33]
- Observatories (to look at the night sky and study the stars) were first established in some major cities like Baghdad, Hamadan, Maragha and Istanbul and new instruments were developed.
- Development of astrolabes, which were used to determine the positions of celestial objects in the sky.
- Muslims were the first astronomers to challenge the log accepted theories of Plotemy and Aristotle regarding ecclipses, planetary orbits, and the position of the stars.
- the Andromeda Galaxy and the Great Nebula in Orion was sicovered by the Persian astronomer Al-Sufi.
ancient islamic tools and manuscipts
ancient islamic manuscripts related to astrology.
An astrolabe is an ancient astronomical instrument that was a handheld model of the universe.
In Mathematics:
In Mathematrics:
- The invention of algebra by the Persian mathematician al-Khwarizmi.
- Astronomy led to development of trigonometry, a field of mathematics.
- The invention of algebra by the Persian mathematician al-Khwarizm in the 9th century. The word 'algebra' comes from the arabic word "al-jabr" meaning "restoration of balance.
- The arabic numerals were influenced by Indian mathematicians.
- The concept of zero and the decimal point system were introduced by Islamic mathematicians.
hindu-arabic number system
In Medicine:
- Golden age of Islam (8th to 13th century) saw progress in science, technology, and other fields
- Abbasid caliphs established the House of Wisdom in Baghdad
- Baghdad became center for learning and research
- Many people from different parts of the empire came to study in Baghdad.
- The first sweet medicine syrups and gums which replaced the bitter syrups were invented by muslims.
- The development of surgical instruments and techniques, including the use of catgut for sutures and anesthesia for pain relief.
- The creation of medical encyclopedias, such as the Canon of Medicine by the Persian physician Ibn Sina (also known as Avicenna, 980-1037 A.D). He was knows as the “Prince of Physicians”. Ibn-Sina along with Al-Razi (841-926 A.D) wre the pioneers of medical field.
In Philosophy:
- The preservation and translation of ancient Greek and Roman philosophical texts, which helped preserve and disseminate knowledge in the Islamic world and beyond.
- The development of Islamic philosophy, which integrated Islamic theology with Greek philosophical ideas.
- The works of philosophers such as Al-Farabi, Ibn Rushd (also known as Averroes), and Ibn Khaldun, which had a significant influence on Western philosophy.
Overall, the contributions of Islamic scholars and scientists during the Golden Age of Islam helped advance human knowledge and understanding, and laid the foundation for many of the scientific and medical advancements we have today.
"Islamic civilization is one of the world's most enduring and influential cultures, whose contributions to science, philosophy, and the arts have enriched humanity for centuries."
Thakyou for your attention !
Thankyou for you attention!
Islamic Art:
Art and Architechture
- Islamic art is a blend of different styles from regions conquered by Muslims
- It's a fusion of geometric patterns, calligraphy, and arabesques
- It reflects the values of Islam, including devotion, humility, and respect for nature
- It uses repetitive patterns, intricate designs, and vibrant colors to create harmony and balance
Islamic Architechure:
Islamic Architechture
- Islamic architecture is known for its ornate designs, domes, and minarets
- It reflects the Islamic belief in the unity of God and the magnificence of nature
- Islamic architecture has been influenced by Persian, Roman, and Byzantine styles
- Islamic architecture includes mosques, madrasas, palaces, and tombs
sultan al ahmed mosque, turkey
great mosque of cordoba, spain
Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem, Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque in Iran, Nasir al mulk moque Iran, Touba mosque Senegal