Week 13 Session 2_L02
copyright by Gladys Luk 2023
What are we doing today?
- One more practice on Academic Communication
- Reminder on the written and oral exam
- Reminder on the two questions on the writing part in the exam
What are we going to do this week
- Individual or group consultations
- The two pieces of writing: the application letter and the academic essay on ageing population
- Assignment 2
What are we going to do this week
- The group magazine
- Invitation for a group photo from your groupmate
Academic Communication
The European Agency has launched a new online guide on occupational health and safety for Europe’s 19 million small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). (1)___________________ European research, the fatal accident rate in enterprises with fewer than 50 workers is around double (2) __________________ of larger companies. And with more than 75 million EU workers employed in the SME sector, preventing work-related accidents and ill health in SMEs is one of the EU’ s most pressing safety and health issues.
Academic Communication
As well as presenting information on the Agency’s own activities
(3) ____________________its SME funding schemes and information projects, the web feature at http://sme.osha.europa.eu/ provides access to a wide range of practical information. This covers key risks such as accidents, dangerous substances (the focus of this October’s European Week for Safety and Health at Work campaign) (4) ____________________ work-related stress, as well as important SME employment sectors such as construction and fisheries.
Academic Communication
(5) ____________________the web feature, a new CD-ROM provides details of more than 50 innovative accident prevention projects supported by the Agency’s first SME funding scheme. Promoting health and safety in Europe’s SMEs is published in five languages (German, English, Spanish, French and Italian) and reports on a scheme, (6) ____________________ an independent evaluation concluded has benefited more than 500,000 SMEs. The CD-ROM and web feature will help even more companies learn about the many innovative ideas for the information, training and exchange of good practice in the field.
Academic Communication
The new web feature was unveiled on Wednesday 1 October at an international conference in Rome on occupational safety and health in SMEs organised by the Italian Presidency (7) _________________________ the European Union (EU). Speaking at the launch, Agency Director, Hans-Horst Konkolewsky, commented: ‘SMEs employ two out of every three workers in the EU, (8)____________________ many have difficulties managing their safety and health obligations (9) ____________________a lack of knowledge and resources. The Agency’s web feature will help bridge this gap by allowing Europe’s SMEs to get access to safety and health information which is up-to-date and practical. We hope that it will contribute to improved safety and health performance across the sector.
Writing and oral practice
Writing exam
It lasts for 2 hours and 30 minutes.
There are 4 parts:
- Listening (28 marks): 40 minutes
- Reading (18 marks): 40 minutes
- Academic Communication (9 marks): 10 minutes
- Writing (25 marks): 1 hour
Writing exam
Answer one of the two questions.
- Application Letter
- Academic Essay
Writing exam
The format: include all the items mentioned
- Sender's address: Flat D, 11/F, Block 2, Tai Po Centre, Tai Po, N.T., Hong Kong
- Date (Post Date: 29 April 2020)
- Receiver and Receiver's address
- Salutation: Dear __________
Writing exam
- Subject line
- 1st body paragraph: purpose
- 2nd body paragraph: education and work experience
- 3rd body paragraph: more about work experience and/or hobbies (if they help)
- 4th body paragraph: action paragraph
- complimentary close
- Ending note
Writing exam
Matching job requirements and your employability skills
Job requirement:
- Good command of written and spoken English , Mandarin preferred
Employability skills:
- English: recipient of an English Language Prize
- English and Mandarin: member of Hong Kong Toastmaster Club
Writing exam
Job requirement:
- Degree holder of social sciences preferred
- Bachelor of Social Sciences with Honours in Psychology and Mental Health
Writing exam
- enhance the children' psychological and social development
- majoring in Psychology and Mental Health
Writing exam
Culture and core value:
- build a caring, equal and just society
Membership and work experience:
- Member of the Rotary Club of Hong Kong
- work at Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council Limited
- provide humanitarian service
- help build goodwill and peace in the world
Writing exam
- Relevance, format and content: 9 marks
- Organization and coherence: 8 marks
- Sentence construction and vocabulary: 8 marks
Writing exam
Relevance, format and content (9 marks)
very good to excellent (7-9)
- Fulfils task requirements comprehensively;
- ideas well-chosen and argued; good sense of audience
average to good (5-6)
- Fulfils task requirements quite well, but some steps in the
argument may be omitted or the ideas left underdeveloped;
- some irrelevant material;
- quite a good sense of audience apparent
Writing exam
poor to fair (3-4)
- Fulfils task requirements in some aspects but not others;
- some irrelevant, omitted or inaccurate data;
- ideas not consistently developed to support the argument;
- sense of audience quite poor
inadequate (1-2)
- Clearly does not fulfil task requirements;
- inclusion of incomplete or irrelevant material;
- poor or no sense of audience
Writing exam
Organization and coherence (8 marks)
very good to excellent (7-8)
- Information presented logically in expected sections;
- ideas well developed and clearly linked;
- transition markers well used;
- paragraph construction very sound
average to good (5-6)
- Organization of information quite good and the argument easily followed by the reader but some ideas may not be fully developed;
- transition markers may be slightly over or under-used;
- paragraph construction sound
Writing exam
poor to fair (3-4)
- Some difficulty in following the argument but a pattern of organization evident despite being poorly done;
- transition markers incorrectly used;
- paragraphs lacking clear focus
inadequate (1-2)
- The argument presented causes strain on reader comprehension through lack of a clear pattern of organization;
- little or no attempt to order content in a logical way;
- no or incorrect use of transition markers;
- poor paragraph construction
Writing exam
Sentence construction and vocabulary (8 marks)
very good to excellent (7–8)
- Very effective use of a wide variety of sentence types and lengths;
- very few grammatical errors; good vocabulary;
- tone and style completely appropriate
average to good (5–6)
- Effective use of a variety of sentence types;
- limited number of grammatical errors, but these do not hinder
- vocabulary generally correct although there may be a few inappropriate choices;
- tone and style not consistently appropriate
Writing exam
poor to fair (3-4)
- Variety of sentence types limited but mostly correct;
- sentences may be short and express mostly single ideas;
- some grammatical errors, occasionally intrusive;
- lack of variety of vocabulary;
- some attempt to convey the appropriate tone and style but is inconsistent
inadequate (1-2)
- Sentence variety very limited and consists mostly of short, simple sentences;
- grammatical errors widespread, causing considerable strain for the reader;
- vocabulary very limited and clearly inadequate to express the writer’s intended meanings;
- tone and style inappropriate
Writing exam
Argumentative Essay: structure
- state your position
- explain and elaborate your ideas with support
- present the opposing views
- rebut them
Writing exam
- word limits: do not exceed 10% of it
- checking the estimated number of words
- mind your handwriting
Oral practice
- Presentation on two views
- Interview
Oral practice
Structure of your presentation:
- start with the topic
- a brief summary of the two views
- which view you support and justification
- time allocation
- do not just repeat what have been given
- provide your own ideas
Oral practice
Potential interview topics:
Plastic surgery: the broad term for beauty and for reconstruction
schools focusing on providing technique for public exams
- Climate change and global warming
- Cosmetic surgery
- Cram school
- Culture and traditions
- Domestic helpers
- Domestic violence
Oral practice
Potential interview topics:
- Equal opportunities
- Food safety
- Free education
- Free healthcare
- Genetically modified food
- Human / Animal rights
foods produced from organisms that have had changes introduced into their DNA using the methods of genetic engineering
Oral practice
Potential interview topics:
- Mental wellbeing
- Monster parents
- Obesity
- Online privacy
- Overpopulation
- Pollution
Oral practice
Potential interview topics:
- Property prices
- E-learning
- Teenage problems
- Urban renewal and heritage preservation
- Use of technology
- Voluntary work
- Work-life balance
What about the topics I have prepared for your practice?
- The two pieces of writing
- Audio sound files on your presentations
- Individual and/or group consultations
- Stay behind to take a group photo
- Best of luck for the exam