Timeline 2016-2021
Dead By Daylight
The Beginning
- Was created on June 14, 2016
- Still sort of in beta stage; buggy but not unplayable
- Characters looked different in the release posters then they did in the game
- There were only three killers to start out.
2016 (part 2)
Still buggy; Still fun
- Space Hillbilly (hits a rock and launches into the air)
- Nurse can teleport into the ground
- Survivors once opening the exit gate can get stuck in the floor unless killer picks them up
- Still not a big game, but has a good fan-base
- Perks are overpowered; not many people complained.
More killers, More maps, more bugs
- 3 new killers, survivors, and about five maps (two of which are a copy of one map.)
- Freddy Krueger is added into the game
- Considered the worst killer; Most unique though.
- Lots of licensing issues
- New maps add bugs to cosmetics that were never a problem before
- Some old bugs are fixed, but that adds new ones
- Trapper can get stuck in a loop of his own bear trap.
The bag, the good, the toxic survivor.
- Four New killers, one of them was considered good.
- The end of Space Hillbilly (sadness)
- As the fanbase grew, people started to get mean and toxic
- The survivors screen would show no button prompts or skill checks.
- The game started to look better, but it didn't run better.
- The Killer would be frozen in the locker opening animation.
- Matches were not found quickly (Sometimes took 50 mins. to play a 15 minute game.)
A solid year
- There were still a lot of bugs, but they were getting fixed quickly.
- The end of Nurse getting stuck in the floor.
- Leatherface's hitboxes were fixed
- Lag was now a major problem, but wasn't focused on
- Hath standoffs were still happening (these could last two-three hours.)
- Four killers, Five survivors, and 3 new maps
- Bad killers were getting nerfed/ignored.
- Hackers started to get involved
- Maps were getting updated to look nicer
- Survivors hair was worked on, but not greatly improves.
- with each new killer came a small bug that was fixed in at least a week
The One Time They Nailed It
- Breakable walls were added to the game.
- This caused problems because some maps weren't built for breakable walls.
- They compromise with revamping the maps to make them look better
- This helped a lot more maps, very few actually downgraded.
- New animations for survivors and killers
- While they were good, they had their own bugs
- Great dlc killers and survivors
- This was the most popular year
- The anniversary event was the same as last year, so nobody was happy with that
- They had fixed a lot of bugs, but with each fix two new ones appeared
Crash and Burn Baby
- First Killer to come out was very bad
- No New maps were coming out except for one
- It was a resident evil map
- It was terrible.
- NFT's were tied to the Hellraiser DLC
- You buy an online picture of the killer
- This is tied to scam artists and bad businessmen
- The leader of the Hellraiser NFT says 9/ll wasn't real.
- BHVR didn't tell people about them till a month after everyone bought the dlc
- most of the money from the dlc went to the NFT
- The new witch survivor came out with one perk disabled.
- Still hasn't fixed it
- Dead By Daylight is on a very thin line
- It might get banned on steam, losing a lot of its fan-base.
A little showbizz of the bugs