Anatomy - the study of the structure of the human body
A is for Anatomy
Blood pressure - when blood puts pressure on the artery wall.
B is for Blood pressure
Coronal plane -an imaginary plane dividing the body into dorsal and ventral parts.
C is for Coronal plane
Digestive system - breaks down food into absorbable units
D is for Digestive system
E is for Endrocrine system
Endocrine system - glands secrete that regulate growth, etc.
F is for Front of elbow
Front of elbow- The regional term for the front of an elbow is called antecubial
Greater omentum - a large apron-like fold of visceral peritoneum that hangs down from the stomach
G is for Greater omentum
Homeostasis - maintaining the internal environment despite the external environment
H is for Homeostasis
Inguinal - referred to as the groin
I is for Inguinal
Jejunum - the middle segment of the small intestine found between the duodenum and the ileum
J is for Jejunum
K is for Kidneys
Kidneys- removes waste and extra fluid from the body, important part of the urinary system
L is for Lymphatic system
Lymphatic system - picks up leaked fluid from blood vessels and returns it to the blood.
M is for Muscular system
Muscular system - produces heat, locomotion, and facial expression
N is for Nervous system
Nervous system- fast acting control system of the body
O is for Organ system
Organ system- a group of organs that work together to perform a specific function
P is for PET scan
PET scan- gamma rays released and caught as a colored computer image
Quadriceps femoris muscle- part of the muscular system and form the main bulk of the thigh, and collectively are one of the most powerful muscles in the body
Q is for Quadriceps femoris muscle
Respiratory system- keeps blood supplied with oxygen and removes CO2
R is for Respiratory system
S is for Serous fluid
Serous fluid- any of various body fluids resembling serum, that are typically pale yellow. The fluid fills the inside of body cavities.
T is for Transverse plane
Transverse plane- an imaginary plane that divides the body into superior and inferior parts. It is perpendicular to the coronal plane and sagittal plane
U is for Ultrasound
Ultrasound- high frequency sound waves emitted by a hand held device
Visceral pleura- covers the surface of the lungs, and the parietal pleura covers the inside of the thorax, mediastinum, and diaphragm
V is for Visceral pleura
W is for Waist
Waist - the part of the abdomen between the rib cage and hips; is part of the abdominal cavity
X is for X-ray
X-ray - Poor resolution on soft tissue; used in osteology
Y is for Yellow marrow
Yellow bone marrow- contains stem cells, which produce cartilage, fat and bone.This helps maintain the right environment and provides the sustenance that bones need to function. Bones are part of the skeletal system
Z is for Zygote
Zygote- fertilized egg cell that results from the union of a female gamete (egg, or ovum) with a male gamete (sperm). This takes place in the reproductive system.