U.S. Army Warrant Officer Career College
Military History Department
Our Mission
The MHD provides Warrant Officers with initial entry, intermediate and senior-level education in military history and how it relates to today's Army Operational Environment; relate the past to the present and tell the Army Story.
Our Vision
Encourage Critical and Creative thinking used as a tool for decision makers
Our Vision
Study history to train the mind to assess complex issues, personalities, events and forces over time
Emphasize the element of human nature in warfare
- Required Strength: 10
- Authorized Strength: 9
- Currently Assigned: 6
Mr. Pat Henson
CW4 Chris Braund
Mr. Miguel Boschulte
Mr. George Wade
CW4 Mike Johnson Instructor
Mr. Hank Haken Instructor
CW4 Jeff Sicard Instructor
General Information
Warrant Officer Candidate School
Course Length: 5 weeks or 7 weeks
- Military History 16
- Heritage of the Warrant Officer 2
- Officer Customs/Courtesies 2
- Andersonville Staff Ride 12
Main Themes - Relating the Past to the Present
- Broad view of American Military History from Colonial period through the first Persian Gulf War
- A look at the history and evolution of the Warrant Officer
- Introduction into Customs and Courtesies from the Officer perspective and etiquette
Warrant Officer Intermediate Level Education
- Study of Military History
- Insurgency / COIN
- Horseshoe Bend Strategic Overview
- Battle Analysis Research / Brief
- Horseshoe Bend Staff Ride
- Battle of New Orleans Strategic Overview
- Battle of New Orleans Battle Analysis Brief
Main Themes - Relating the Past to the Present
- Relevance of history to members of the Profession of Arms
- How insurgencies form and elements of insurgencies (historical perspective)
- The War of 1812's complex operating environment: conventional war while fighting an insurgency (uprising)
- Andrew Jackson's evolution from tactical commander to strategic commander
- HSB: Jackson led Coalition Task Force (CTF) and combined arms effort
- New Orleans: Jackson led Combined Joint Task Force (CJTF)
- Leadership Studies: Jackson vs Cocke, Packenham vs Cochrane
- Strategic look at logistics of British in New Orleans campaign
Warrant Officer Senior Service Education
- History of Insurgency
- National Infantry Museum Staff Ride
Main Themes - Relating the Past to the Present
- Introduction to Mao Tse Tung's Three Phase Insurgency model
- A look at the American Revolution using Mao's model as a framework
- A look at Vietnam using Mao's model as a framework
- Relating Mao's model and preceeding topics to current insurgencies
Staff Ride
Staff Ride
Staff Ride Format
Preliminary Phase
- Class research over selected topics
- Student information briefing on selected topics
Field Phase
- Prison grounds
- Graveyard
- POW museum
Integration Phase
- Guided discussion on:
- POW Experience
- Code of Conduct
- Army Values
Staff Ride Format
Preliminary Phase
- Instructor-led discussion of the strategic overview leading to the HSB Battle
- Student research of HSB Battle with a focus on:
- War-figthing Functions
- Principles of War
- Threads of Continuity
- Student briefing / discussion of the battle analysis
Field Phase
Integration Phase
- Final reflection done by students in a graded journal submission
National Infantry Museum Staff Ride
Staff Ride Format
Preliminary Phase
- Student assignment to locate an exhibit or artifact that enables the student to relate their part of the Army Story
Field Phase
- Self-guided exploration of N.I.M. exhibits and the historic World War II Street
Integration Phase
- Guided discussion on student's relation of exhibits and artifacts they found to tell their part of the Army Story
Partnered Efforts
Current & Future
- Annual HSB National Park Event
- Fort Morgan, AL
- Vicksburg, MS
- WWII Museum New Orleans, LA
- Annual Battle of New Orleans Symposium, Nunez College, New Orleans, LA
- Military History Instructors Course, Ft. Leavenworth, KS
Mr. Patrick Henson
email: patrick.l.henson2.civ@mail.mil
phone: 334-255-3142
CW4 Chris Braund
email: christopher.j.braund.mil@mail.mil
phone: 334-255-3144