IEP Information Sheets
Katie Kaste
Crane Middle School
What are the sections of the IEP information Sheet?
IEP Information Sheet
- Everything in the IEP is important.
- You are responsible for knowing the information.
- It is important to read and review the IEPs throughout the year.
Four Most important Parts to look at first.
ALL parts of the IEP are important, however these are the parts to check first.
1. Accommodations
2. Modifications
3. Testing Accommodations
4. Behavior Intervention Plan
Parts of IEP
Case Managers
Case Managers
The teacher who is responsible for the paper work.
- They will send you the IEP information sheet.
- If you have questions they are your first contact.
- If you don't receive an IEP information sheet or you think a student might have academic issues, please ask.
Common Accommodations and Modifications
Each IEP is unique, but these are the accommodations and modifications many students need.
Most common
- Look at the list on the PDF.
- I will go over the most common.
Common Modifications
- Simplified Curriculum
- Pass/Fail Grade
- Use of a calculator, abacus, or manipulatives
- Modified work/homework
- Assessments will be modified
Common Acronyms
- Autism
- OI
- EH
- MD
- VI
- HI
I. A.s
Paras help out in the classroom.
They are there for specific students.
I will email you the names of the students and periods they will attend.
They can work with ALL ESS students, however they need to focus on those that have minutes on their IEP.
Ideas of Tasks
- Helping students highlight important
- Helping finish longer assignments
- Pulling small groups for read-to testing
- Checking classwork.
- Helping modify test or class assignments.
- Remove a student who is having a hard time.
- Lead a small group in class with teacher materials.
- Help with science labs.