U.S. vs USSR
United States vs Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Marshall Plan
- 1949: The western nations formed the North Atlantic Treaty Organization to coordinate defensive plans against the USSR
- Consisted of:
- US
- Belgium
- Britain
- Denmark
- France
- Holland
- Italy
- Luxembourg
- Norway
- Portugal
Bay Of Pig Invasion
1947 : U.S. Secretary of State George Marshall introduced the Marshall Plan:
- Economic aid for European countries after WWII
Rational for the Marshall Plan:
- Allow American goods to be sold in European markets, benefiting U.S. industry
- A prosperous Europe would be able to resist communism
- An unsuccessful attempt by US backed Cuban exiles to over throw the Cuba dictator Fidel Castro
- CIA was training anti-revolutionary Cubans to invade the island
- The plan was approved by John F. Kennedy
Again, why am I upside down?
USSR Dissolves
Extra Credit: Due on Friday before 5:00 pm (10 points)
Chamizal National Memorial
- Address: 800 S San Marcial St, El Paso, TX 79905
- 1991, the presidents of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus signed the Belavezha Accords declaring the USSR dissolved and established the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) in its place
- December 25, 1991, Gorbachev yielded as the president of the USSR, declaring the office extinct. He turned the powers that until then were vested in him over to Boris Yeltsin, president of Russia.
- The following day, the Supreme Soviet, the highest governmental body of the Soviet Union, recognized the collapse of the Soviet Union and dissolved itself.
Eisenhower Doctrine
Truman Doctrine
January 5, 1957:
- Mandated Congress give up it's war-making power
- Allowed US president to take immediate military action
- Committed US to defend Latin America and Middle East from Communism.
- Response to the USSR aided Egypt in completing the Aswan High Dam and Suez Canal
- 1947: British aided Greek government fight against Communist
- Asked US for help; responded with Truman Doctrine
- Truman Doctrine: Promised that the US would help fight communism
- Showed that the US had become THE biggest democratic superpower
- Promote security for the Soviet Union
- Create definable borders
- Promote the spread of Communism
- a political theory advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.
- Maintain friendly relationships with countries
Berlin Crisis 1948-1949
The End
Cold War Goals For USSR
- End of WWII through Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, and Bush, Cold War = central foreign policy concern
- Most films of the time feature villains that were Soviets. EX: Indiana Jones
- Relations bettered between Communist countries and the US with Nixon. He became the first US president to visit a communist country
- 1969: Nixon negotiated w/ the USSR on the Strategic Arms Limitations Treat Agreement (SALT I)
- SALT I froze the number of ballistic missile launchers at existing levels, provided for the addition of submarine-launched ballistic missile
- SALT II was a second round of US/USSR talks (1972-1979), which sought to reduce manufacture of nuclear weapons
- 1948: 3 Western controlled zones of Germany united, benefited from the Marshall Plan
- West wanted East to rejoin. Stalin feared it would hurt Soviet security
- June 1948: Stalin sought control of West Berlin-which was inside East Berlin
- Cut off supplies, "starve into submission"
- The West airlifted supplies to West Berlin
- May 1949: USSR lifted blockade
Cold War Goals for the US
Warsaw Pact
- Prevent another depression
- Promote capitalism
- Promote democracy in Latin America, Asia, and Africa
- Prevent the spread of communism-Domino Effect
- US had U-2 planes
- May 1, 1960: CIA agent Francis Gary Powers' U-2 was shot down by a Soviet missile
- Unable to activate the self destruct button, he was captured by the KGB
- The US claimed he was in a "weather plane"
- US didn't know the plane was intact, USSR photographed the plane
- "Voluntarily confessed" issued a public apology
- Warsaw Pact: Organization of communist states in Central and Eastern Europe
- Founded: May 14, 1955 in Warsaw, Poland
- In response to NATO
- Members:
- Albania
- Bulgaria
- Czechoslovakia
- Hungary
- Poland
- Romania
- East Germany
U.S. and USSR Relationship
U-2 Incident
- 1939: Stalin made deal with Hitler
- 1941: Hitler invades Russia, breaks deal
- USSR helps the allies
- Before the end of WWII, Winston Churchill (Britain,) FDR, and Stalin agree to the Yalta Plan:
- Establish the United Nations
- Germany was to divided into four zones
- Free elections to take place in Eastern Europe
- Russia joined war against Japan
The New Frontier
- 1957- USSR launched Sputnik I, the first artificial satellite into orbit
- Race to get to space was on
- 1961-Soviet Union's Yuri Gagarin was the first human in space.
- The US increased space funding and science education
- 1961: The New Frontier Speech Kennedy gave a speech challenging America to land a man on the moon and return him
- 1969: Apollo 11 landed on the moon
The Cold War
Reagan and Star Wars
- Called a Cold War because fighting between the US and USSR didn't actually happen.
- 9 U.S. Presidents
- Instead they fought each other through other countries and small conflicts.
- Berlin Blockade (1948-1949)
- Korean War (1950-1953)
- Iran (1953)
- Vietnam War (1954-1975)
- Nationalist leader Ho Chi Minh
- Cuba (1960-1962)
- Fidel Castro
- Operation Condor (1968-1977)
- Latin America intervention
- Afghanistan
- The Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) was a proposal by President Reagan in 1983 to use ground and space-based systems to protect the US from attack by nuclear ballistic missiles
- Basically a force field
- Nicknamed Star Wars
- It was a terrible idea. Why:
- It would require the US to break The Outer Space Treaty of 1967, which requires "States Parties to the Treaty undertake not to place in orbit around the Earth any objects carrying nuclear weapons..."
- Unproven technology
- Cost billions of dollars
- New Arms race with soviets
- 1952-US exploded the the first hydrogen bomb.
- Prompting the USSR to establish a nuclear arsenal closer to the US.
- The US did the same in Europe.
Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan
Arms Race
- 1978: USSR invaded Afghanistan
- It became their Vietnam. A long war with no clear victory
- US supported the Afghani rebels
- 1989: Soviets withdrew. Power vacuum occurred, Islamic extremist took over
- Weakened Soviet morale and economy
Berlin Wall
Domestic and Foreign Polices
- What impact did the Cold War have on Domestic and Foreign
Foreign Policies
- Foreign Wars
- Space Race
- Nuclear Arms Race
- Containment
- August 13, 1961: a low, barbed-wire barrier rose between East and West Berlin.
- Within days, workers cemented concrete blocks into a low wall, dividing neighborhoods and families, workers and employers
- The USSR called the wall a barrier to Western imperialism, but it also was meant to keep its people going to the West
- The West Germans called it Schandmaur, the "Wall of Shame." It was rebuilt three times. Each time the wall was higher, stronger, repressive, and impregnable.
Domestic Policies
- Red Scare
- Senator McCarthy
- McCarthyism
- Un-American Activities Committee
- Loyalty oaths
- Duck&Cover
- Blacklists
- Bomb shelters
Major Strategies
- Containment
- Espionage
- Foreign aide
- Alliances
- Propaganda
- Surrogate wars
McCarthy's Downfall
- In 1954, McCarthy accused the Army of promoting a Communist dentist
- Was televised, public was able to see this "witch hunt" on TV
- In December of 1954, the US Senate voted to censure him, and stripped him of his privileges
- McCarthyism is used to describe anti-Communist panic
Senator Joe McCarthy/ McCarthyism
- Republican that wanted to "wipe out" Communism
- 1950 claimed to have a list of 205 known Communist in the State Department.
- Actors, politicians, and others in what some considers a modern day witch hunt.
- The Crucible (1953)
- This was the closest the world ever came to nuclear war.
- The USSR was ready to launch nuclear weapons if the US invaded Cuba
- 1962: USSR lacked a missile that could reach the US. The US had missiles capable of striking the entire Soviet Union
- April 1962: Soviet Premier Khrushchev deployed missiles to Cuba in the event of a US attack against the USSR.
- After the Bay of Pigs, Fidel Castro believed a second attack was inevitable. He believed he had to protect his country from the US. Allowed the USSR to install missiles
- October 15, 1962: It is discovered that the USSR constructed missiles in Cuba
- Kennedy imposes a blockade to stop Soviets from getting to Cuba
- October 22, 1962: Kennedy demanded they stop building missiles
Cuban Missile Crisis
Cold War Ends
- Mikhail Gorbachev becomes Soviet premier
- Understands economy cant compete with West
- Tries to reform USSR- glasnost: openness, you can see through it
- Pressured by Reagan to "tear down this wall."
- Rebellion influences Soviets, riots and protests break out in East Germany, storm the wall.
- Wall is breached
- East Germany and West Germany reunited
Capitalism vs Socialism
Democracy vs. Communism
The Cold War 1945-1990