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The Lord of The Flies

By: Chris Rockel

Chapter 1

  • Ralph and Piggy use the conch to gather a meeting.
  • Ralph suggest to get a leader for the group, and ends up getting elected leader.
  • Ralph, Jack, and Piggy climb to the top of the mountain and confirm where they are.

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

  • During the Assembly one of the boys announced that there is a beast on the island.
  • Ralph wants to start a fire to signal for help and to get off the island.
  • One of the boys gets swallowed by the fire and disappears.

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

  • Simon and Ralph start to build the forts and shelter for the group.
  • Jack and the others want to find something fun to do, they end up going hunting.

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

  • Roger starts to become desensitised and throws rocks at Henry, but intentionally misses him.
  • Ralph sees the boat on shore of the island.
  • The others went off hunting and the smoke from the fire dies off.
  • The boat does not see the signal and the boys are still stuck on the island.

Chapter 5

  • Ralph calls for another role call and contemplates not being leader anymore.
  • The boys then want to make Jack leader of the group and start not listening to Ralph.

Chapter 6

Chapter 6

  • Dead parachutist lands on the mountain.
  • SamnEric find the parachutist and thinks it the beast, and run back and tells Ralph and the group.
  • All of the hunters go to castle rock to look for the beast.

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

  • The hunting party finds a pig on the mountain, (Re-enactment with Roger).
  • Jack, Ralph, and Piggy climb to the top of the mountain to the hunting party.
  • They find the, (beast), dead parachutist.

Chapter 8

  • Jack and Ralph have a fight against each other for the leader role.
  • Jack leaves the tribe.
  • Jack and his group kill a pig.
  • They go on a hunt for the pig and cut it's head off.
  • Simon goes and talks to the pig's head. (Lord of the Flies)

Chapter 9

  • Simon discovers the beast is a man, (The parachutist)
  • Jack hosts the party and everyone attends.
  • When Simon shows up to the party Jack and his group brutally kills him.
  • Wind catches the parachutist and drifts him away.

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

  • Jack turns into a dictator and ties up Wilfred, then beats him.
  • Jack, Maurice and Rogers raid Ralph's camp and steal Piggy's glasses.

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

  • Ralph goes to Jack's camp to get Piggy's glasses back.
  • Piggy gets crushed by a falling rock after the fight. (Jack vs. Ralph).
  • SamnEric are forced to join Jack's tribe and are interogated.

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

  • Jack wants to kill Ralph.
  • He lights the forest on fire.
  • Ralph is running away, and runs into a naval officer.
  • All of the boys start crying and they escape the island.

Chapter 12

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