Object Oriented Programming. C++
3 ways to initialize variables.
- By using objects to assign values to variables (Data Member).
Reasons for going to constructor.
- By using function to assign values to variables.
- Initializes an object of a class.
- Special member function that has no return type.
- Compiler calls the constructor whenever object is created.
How constructors are different from a normal member function?
- Constructor has same name as the class itself.
- Constructors don’t have return type.
- Constructor is automatically called when an object is created.
Types of constructors.
1. Default Constructor.
- Even if we do not define a constructor explicitly, the compiler will provide a default constructor.
2. Parametrized Constructor.
- Using this Constructor you can provide different values to data members of different objects
to use default vs parameterized
When to use default constructor vs parametrized constructor.
- Use parametrized constructor when you want to initialize different values to different object.
- if you want to initialize same values/data to every single object than use default constructor to initialize values to data member.
Implementation Time.
1. Create a class Student having following data members
- String name.
- String department.
- Int roll_number.
2. Now create a member function named Display() to print values of data member onto screen.
3. Create 2 objects of your own choice and initialize them using constructor.
Eye openers
Kepler's Planet resembles Earth.
587 Light year's away from Earth.
Constructor overloading
- Constructor overloading is a concept of having more then one constructor.
- Each constructor will have different set of parameters.
- Compiler calls the specific constructor based on number and type of parameter.