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Element: Gold

Sophia's presentation on gold


By Sophia

Basic Facts About Gold


Element name and symbol: Gold Au

Element family group and period: 11=Group 6=Period

Atomic number: 79

Atomic Mass: 197


Interesting Facts

When was Gold discovered?: 3,000 B.C.

Who discovered Gold?: Unknown

Where is the elements name from and why is it named that?: Its named from the old English word geolo (yellow) it was named for it likes yellow like color.

Where in the word is it typically found?: The largest amount of Gold could be discovered in the ocean, but they do not yet know how to extract it from the ocean. So, they get it from Canada, USA, Africa etc. The only continent gold can not be found on is Antarctica.

Gold physical Properties






Color- Gold

Texture- Smooth

Light transmission- Light can not be transmitted though it

Luster- Shiny

Hardness- 2.5

Density- 19.3 g/cm 3

Phase in room temperature- Solid

Melting point- 1064

Boiling point- 2856 degrees Celsius

Gold chemical properties and uses

Common compounds in which gold is found include auric chloride (AuC13) and chloral acid (HAuC14) Three uses for this element are to make jewelry (78% of gold use.) Electronics, dentistry, medicine, aerospace, medals and awards.

Model research


Gold has 79 electrons 79 protons and 118 neutrons. Gold has 6 electron shells and 1 valence electron.

Model Research

#of protons is 79, number of electrons is also 79 and number of neutrons is 118. There are 6 electron shells and 1 valence electron




Scale is used to gain a better understanding for things you may want to study that are unreasonably to big or to small to be practical enough to study. So people like scientist scale things up or down by making a model

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