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Chapter 3

Basis of Attraction


Fundamentals: we like those who reward us

  • provide direct rewards - positive treatment
  • provide indirect rewards - social support, sharing positive life events

Proximity: liking those who live and work near us.

  • relationships limited to small distances

Physical Proximity

Physical Closeness


Convenience: proximity is rewarding and distance is costly

  • partners nearby can provide greater benefits at lesser cost than distant partners




Familiarity: fostered through repeated contact

Mere Exposure, or repeated contact, usually increases liking


The more often women visited college classrooms, the more they were liked by students – even though they never talked to anyone.

Negatives of Proximity


Proximity, and resulting familiarity, can produce negative outcomes when:

  • those nearby are disagreeable or obnoxious
  • people who have met online come face-to-face for the first time
  • partners in a long-distance relationship are reunited after some time apart

However, familiarity usually increases attraction


Physical Attractiveness

Factors that influence attraction:

  • Environmental factors
  • Perceptions of beauty
  • Biological drives
  • Personal & social factors

Environmental Factors

Proximity > Familiarity

“I feel like I’ve known you forever.”

Familiarity > Similarity

“We are so alike.”

Similarity > Liking

“I really like you!”

  • Aspects of a situation or persons within a situation
  • Proximity: classical conditioning, mere exposure effect
  • Body language: body posture, gestures, facial expressions, dress


Eye Contact


imagine you enter a bar and notice a man from across the room staring at you intensely.

As he approaches, eyes still fixed on you, you assume he is likely going to ___ ?


imagine you enter a bar and notice a man from across the room staring at you intensely.

As he approaches, eyes still fixed on you, you assume he is likely going to ___ ?

With animals, intense eye contact…

  • Usually signals aggression
  • Can sometimes signal interest

With humans, intense eye contact…

  • Usually signals interest or aggression, much like animals
  • Signal typically depends on the context of the situation

Eye Contact

Emotional Expressiveness

  • Those high in emotional expressiveness are typically perceived as more attractive

  • Expressiveness can also indicate the difference between romantic couples and platonic friendships


First Impressions

1st Impressions

Based on physical characteristics that are initially noticed.

Evolutionary Theory:

  • Women prefer men with dominant facial features and muscular physiques
  • Men prefer women with youthful facial features and curvy/feminine physiques

Preferences are relative

  • May depend on other factors, e.g., media, culture, conditioned preferences

Facial Features

Men with strong jaws and broad foreheads seem appealing when women are fertile (ovulating)…

Cross cultural research:

  • Around the world, women are more attractive when they combine “baby-faced” features such as large eyes, a small nose, and full lips with signs of maturity such as prominent cheekbones, narrow cheeks, and a broad smile.


...but women prefer warmer, more youthful features during the rest of the month.

Balance of Features

2- face composite

32- face composite

Attractive faces in both sexes are also:

  • Average, possessing dimensions that are neither too large or too small
  • Symmetrical, with the two sides of the face being very similar to one another

Beautiful faces combine the best features of individual faces in a balanced, well-proportioned whole.


8- face composite

real faces morphed into composite images. "Average” faces are most attractive.

Waist-to-Hip Ratio

A woman’s body is most attractive when has a WHR of 0.7, giving an “hourglass” figure.

A WHR of 0.9 is attractive in men, but WHR matters only if financially sound. Seen as less attractive if lacking resources.

Others Factors


Height - both men and women prefer man to be taller

Smell - symmetrical people smell better

Hair - men prefer women with longer hair

Intelligence - women prefer smart men

Red - both men and women find opposite sex strangers wearing red to be more attractive and sexually appealing

Matching Hypothesis

An attractive individual with a low self-image will likely perceive self as unattractive and seek an equally unattractive partner

An unattractive individual with a high self-image will likely perceive self as attractive and seek an equally attractive partner

Matching Hypothesis: seek partners who are similar in levels of attractiveness.

Might not see matching patterns when:

  • perceptions about the self or others change
  • factors other than appearance are emphasized

The more serious and committed, the more obvious matching usually is



What is Beautiful is Good

Beauty Bias

Beauty Equals Goodness Hypothesis

  • Belief that beautiful people possess positive traits
  • Are seen as having more desirable personalities, greater success with jobs, marriages, relationships, and life

What about unattractive people? Are they similarly negatively perceived?


Agree or disagree...

This person is likely:

  • Competent
  • Sociable
  • Funny
  • Caring
  • Kind
  • Very happy
  • Very friendly
  • Talented
  • Successful in life
  • Successful in love
  • Successful at work

Agree or disagree...

This person is likely:

  • Competent
  • Sociable
  • Funny
  • Caring
  • Kind
  • Very happy
  • Very friendly
  • Talented
  • Successful in life
  • Successful in love
  • Successful at work

Agree or disagree...

This person is likely:

  • Competent
  • Sociable
  • Funny
  • Caring
  • Kind
  • Very happy
  • Very friendly
  • Talented
  • Successful in life
  • Successful in love
  • Successful at work

Agree or disagree...

This person is likely:

  • Competent
  • Sociable
  • Funny
  • Caring
  • Kind
  • Very happy
  • Very friendly
  • Talented
  • Successful in life
  • Successful in love
  • Successful at work

What is Beautiful is Good

Also confuse beauty with talent...

  • Attractive people earn higher salaries
  • Attractive professors get better evaluations
  • Attractive criminals receive more lenient sentences

Beautiful = Good

What is Ugly is Bad

Ugly = Bad

Belief that unattractive people possess negative traits

  • Bias typically begins early in life
  • wicked witch vs. fairy godmother
  • Modern reversal of stereotype: “Shrek”
  • ugly ogre = good
  • beautiful fairy godmother = bad

Contrast Effects

Context matters when evaluating self or others.

Contrast effects may play a role

Would you want your picture compared against these celebs?

Other Factors

Theories of Attraction

  • Balance Theory
  • Reinforcement/Reward Theory
  • Social Exchange Theory
  • Arousal Theory
  • Evolutonary Theory
  • Social Penetration Theory


Balance Theory

Attraction is greatest when people and things are in harmony (i.e., balanced).

Basis: tensions arise between or inside people. Attempt to reduce tension through self (or other) persuasion.

Attitudes are represented by (+) likes or (-) dislikes

When partners are in agreement about likes/dislikes, they experience comfort and balance.

Balance Theory

Me too!

I love Chinese food!

3 Ways

Three ways to feel “balance”

  • Agree to Dislike: if both dislike X (share neg. attitude) and both like each other, will feel comfort and balance.

  • Agree to Like: if both like X (share pos. attitude) and both like each other, both feel comfort and balance.

  • Agree to Disagree: if both disagree about X (share opposing attitudes) and both dislike each other, both feel comfort and balance. Balance is based in the agreement to disagree.

Example: restoring balance

Kate loves reality TV (positive attitude).

Jon hates reality TV (negative attitude) but loves Kate (positive attitude).

  • System is unbalanced

To restore balance both could agree to…


  • Kate likes reality TV (+) but Jon does not (-)
  • Both Kate and Jon like each other
  • Kate can change her attitude (-) to match Jon’s (-)
  • “We both agree that we hate reality TV and love each other, no more tension”

To restore balance both could agree to…


  • Kate likes reality TV (+) but Jon does not (-)
  • Both Kate and Jon like each other
  • Jon could change his attitude (+) to match Kate’s (+)
  • “We both agree that we love reality TV and love each other, no more tension”

To restore balance both could agree to…


  • Kate likes reality TV (+) but Jon does not (-)
  • Both Kate and Jon dislike each other
  • Neither Kate nor Jon changes their attitude
  • “We both agree that we disagree and that we dislike each other, no more tension”


Desirability = Physical Attractiveness X Χ Probability of Acceptance


  • Pursue partners who are likely to reciprocate interest.
  • Not likely to pursue attractive partner if think there’s little chance they'll like us in return.

  • Expectations of acceptance influenced by one's mate value: perceived attractiveness as a reproductive partner
  • People with high mate values are highly sought by others
  • As a result, they’re able to insist on partners of high quality.


Balance theory states we prefer consistency and symmetry in relationships

  • like those who like us
  • dislike those who dislike us


Reinforcement/Reward Theory

Reinforcement Theory

Classical Conditioning Example

  • Exposed to stimulus
  • insult (-) or attractive body (+)
  • Elicits emotional response
  • anger (-) or attraction (+)
  • Overt response might not always reflect internal state
  • insult (-) might produce laughter (+)
  • Response depends on many factors

Influencing Factors

Factors that might influence one’s response

  • Social Learning Theory
  • Anticipated rewards and costs
  • Social and operant conditioning

Operant Conditioning


Social Exchange Theory

Evaluations based on comparison levels of alternatives

Exchange Theory

Develop or maintain relationship after assessing whether relationship is worth the investment

  • Rewards – Costs = Profits

Relationships are pursued when rewards outweigh costs

  • Costs are almost always involved in gaining rewards


Jerry Maguire & Dorothy Boyd

After marriage, Jerry became over involved in his career (reward), and began paying less attention to Dorothy (cost). After separating, Jerry weighed marriage (rewards) against career (rewards). He selected marriage because she "completed him."

Arousal Theory

Natural Arousal

  • Phenyethylamine: produced in brain when experience “love”
  • Feel euphoric, energized (natural amphetamines)
  • Similar compound found in chocolate

Arousal + Situation = Emotional Experience

  • Misattribution of Arousal

Arousal Theory


Arousal Studies

Example 1

  • Extensive exercise (high arousal) + Car damaged in parking lot (situation) = Rage (emotional experience)
  • No exercise (low arousal) + Car damaged (situation) = Annoyance (emotional experience)

Example 2

  • Severe car accident (high arousal) + Attractive Cop (situation) = Intense Attraction (emotional experience)
  • Minor accident (low arousal) + Attractive Cop (situation) = Mild Attraction (emotional experience)

Arousal Studies

Example 3

  • Group A: Run in place for 1-2 minutes (high arousal)
  • Group B: Run in place for 2-15 seconds (low arousal)

  • Task: Watch a video of a woman you will meet after jogging. Assess her traits and level of attractiveness.

  • Group A (high arousal) rated woman more favorably than Group B (low arousal)
  • Group A (high arousal) perceived woman as: greater in physical attractiveness, sexier, more desirable, someone they would want to date, greater in similarity

Arousal Studies

Example 4

  • Group A: Told they would get blood drawn (high arousal)
  • Group B: Told nothing related to blood (low arousal)

  • Procedure: woman (confederate) enters room and is instructed to behave as dissimilar as possible (i.e., express opposing attitudes, mannerisms, etc.)

  • Group A: High arousal + negative emotion
  • Group B: Low arousal + negative emotion

  • Group A: Expressed greater dislike of contrary woman

Misattribution of Arousal

Possible avenues of misattribution:

  • Exercise
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Caffeine
  • Stimulating movies

Evolutionary Psychology

Evolutionary Theory

Mate Selection

  • Sexual reproduction is the driving force in selecting a mate
  • Gender differences (based on differing biological urges) exist in desired mate qualities

Women: more selective (long-term), resources and stability, best possible partner

Men: less selective (short-term), physical attributes (youth/fertility), mate with as many partners as possible


Evolutionary Perspective on Physical Attractiveness

  • Standards of attractiveness are similar around the world, universal.
  • Babies prefer same standard of facial attractiveness
  • Correlation among symmetrical, attractive face and physical/mental health.
  • Correlation among attractive WHR and physical health.
  • Appearance matters more near equator, where more parasites and pathogens endanger health – and one’s beauty.
  • Subtle changes in women’s preferences during menstrual cycles.
  • Men think women smell better and are more attractive when most fertile.

Cultural Influences

Standards of attractiveness also affected by changing economic and cultural conditions.

  • During difficult times, when food supply is low, slender women are less desirable than heavy women.
  • Environmental conditions and human nature influence perceptions of attractiveness.


Evolutionary Theory implies that...

  • women offer beauty and seek wealth (gold diggers)
  • men offer wealth and seek beauty (trophy wife)


Men vs. Women

Men vs. Women

Around the world, men place more importance on appearance than women do.

But no sex difference in how attractiveness affects liking for people who just met.

Men vs. Women

Looks have a larger effect on the social lives of men than women.

  • Attractive men have more interactions with women than unattractive men.

Attractive people tend to be slightly happier than unattractive people, but usually trust people less.

Social Penetration Theory

Proposes self-disclosure is the primary aspect of relationship development

  • Increases perceived closeness
  • Involves alternating between private and intimate communication

Self-Disclosure should ideally be

  • appropriately timed - too soon?
  • appropriate degree - too much too soon?
  • reciprocal - “that’s nice”


We tend to like those who share our:

  • age, race, sex, education, religion, and social class
  • attitudes and values
  • personalities (assuming emotionally stable)


Similarities & Differences


  • Perceived similarity can lead to attraction
  • Takes time to discover differences
  • Similarity effects are reliable, but not universal

Some similarities matter more than others

  • Spouses who are more alike and share household work equally tend to be happier

Variables of Similarity

Stimulus-Value-Role Theory: three types of information that gradually unfold; dissimilarities can emerge after relationships have formed

Fatal Attractions

Fatal Attractions

When do opposites attract?

  • Typically during initial stages

Fatal Attraction: something initially liked gradually becomes disliked

  • Usually occurs after a breakup
  • Likely to happen when a partner is:
  • Very dissimilar
  • Unique or different from average
  • Different from normative gender role

Opposing Factors

Overriding factors for attraction:

  • When someone likes you, you like in return, even if don’t share same beliefs
  • When someone dislikes you, you dislike in return, even if share similar beliefs
  • May prefer a partner we’d like to become over one who resembles who we are now

Opposing Factors

Consequences of Similarity

Potential consequences of similarity:

  • May lead to envy and/or competition
  • May lead to increased levels of dislike

Dissimilarity may decrease over time:

  • Shared experiences and a quest for compatibility can make partners more similar over time
  • Opposites don’t usually attract, but some opposites may gradually fade if a couple stays together for some other reason

Other Factors


  • People pair off with others of similar mate value, but the specific assets they offer each other may be very different.
  • Around the world, it’s common for men with status and money to pair off with young, beautiful women even when the men are not handsome.

Around the world, women care more about their partners’ financial prospects than men do, and the exchange of feminine youth and beauty for masculine status and resources is commonplace.

Other Factors



  • One way “opposites” may attract
  • Partners occasionally “fit together” better when they behave differently, or compliment each other
  • Most complementary behavior is similar behavior, with partners desiring the same goals and working together to attain them


Determining Interest

After 1st impressions you are either interested or uninterested

  • If interested, begin establishing relationship depth
  • Emphasize character, de-emphasize physical attributes

Desirable: openness, positive disposition, extroversion, moderate selectivity (i.e., standards), high ability (but not a perfectionist), reciprocity

Undesirable: narrow mindedness, moody, unhappiness, introverted, closed-off, low/no standards, incompetence, one sided relationship




What is the point? Provides information.

  • Expresses your interest
  • Indicates interest of others

Strategies similar to game playing

  • Keep score of each reciprocated exchange
  • Keep escalating approach
  • Interest gained by others sometimes serve as an ego boost

Online Attraction

How are online exchanges different from real-time?

  • Lack non-verbal information and context; i.e., body language, eye contact, expressive gestures, etc.
  • Exchanges escalate more quickly; disclosure occurs rapidly, people express less caution and more directness

Online Attraction

Online Relationships

How are online relationships different from real world relationships?

  • Greater anonymity
  • freedom to say things without consequence (lack of accountability)
  • Lack of genuine assessment
  • Are you presenting your genuine self?
  • Are you assessing your partner as they actually are?

Long Distance Relationships

Can long-distance (or internet) relationships work?

  • Yes, but usually require about 3 times longer to fully know someone
  • IRL recommended to date for about 2-3 years before marriage, long distance 4-6 years
  • Need time to observe partner in various life situations, i.e., death, sickness, stress

Long Distance Relationships



Intrapersonal factors (i.e., personal traits)

  • Some people are naturally more trusting than others

Interpersonal factors (i.e., social situations)

  • One must determine which people are trust worthy

Requires time to develop

  • May take many years to establish deep trust

Is dynamic (ever changing)

  • Events can alter one’s level of trustworthiness; e.g., a single affair can entirely eliminate established trust
  • Infidelity is the leading cause of broken trust


Commitment: degree of intention to remain in a relationship

  • Types: moral, structural, approach, avoidance


Commitment Theories


I’m a teenage bride with two kids, I could never leave my husband, we need him to survive!

I’m a young guy with a promising future and I can support myself, I don’t need to put up with this drama!


Initially, I wasn’t that trilled about you, but I dumped someone I loved to be with you, spent my life savings on you, and stayed with you for 5 years.

I guess that means we should get married, otherwise it was all for nothing.


Investment Model

  • Proposes one’s level of investment is in proportion to one’s level of commitment
  • How might cognitive dissonance play a role?

Interdependence Theory

  • Commitment is based on one’s level of dependence
  • Mutual dependence equates to a mutual level of commitment


Global preference for:

  • Warmth and loyalty
  • Attractiveness and vitality
  • Status and resources

Degree of qualities depends on whether interests are short-term or long-term



Both men and women are less selective when they’re picking a partner for a casual fling than for a lasting union.




For long-term mating:

  • Men insist on moderate attractiveness, but they want all the warmth, honesty, humor, and intelligence they can get.
  • Women insist on moderate status and resources, but they want all the warmth, honesty, humor, and intelligence they can get.
  • Everybody wants partners who are agreeable, loving, and kind

Courtship Theories


Compatibility Model

  • Based on how well partners get along

Sequential Filtering Model

  • Stimulus Stage (attractiveness)
  • Value Stage (values/beliefs)
  • Final Stage (compatibility)

Interpersonal Process Model

  • Based on how partner characteristics and environmental forces interact and change over time
  • May involve identifying significant events and/or turning points in a relationship

Types of Courtship


  • “We’ve been engaged for 10 years.”


  • “It was love at first sight!”


  • “We love each other, but we want to take time to get to know one another. We plan on marrying in a couple of years.”


Romantic Beliefs


Are you motivated by the idea of:

  • Being in love
  • Romance
  • Having a child
  • Being needed/wanted
  • Controlling someone
  • Friendship
  • Popularity

Your answers might represent what you believe a romantic relationship should be

False Love

False Love

  • Extent to which one fragments a relationship
  • Typically produces a “false” love relationship

False Love

Optimistic Outlook


Positive framing can increase relationship quality if realistic

  • Your partner has a shortcoming (sloppiness). You chose to view some aspect of it as a virtue: they are fun loving and carefree.

Excessive relationship optimism can lead to unrealistic expectations

  • You believe your partner is a saint
  • Once their bad habits arise, you are disappointed

Positive Illusions

Positive beliefs shared about one another

  • Beliefs may or may not be based in reality
  • Help us to live happily with less than perfect others, e.g., “You are so cute when you slurp your soup!” vs. “Why can’t you eat normally?!”

However, extremely positive illusions can become problematic

  • E.g., “My partner is kind enough not to hit my face when he/she beats me.”

Positive Illusions


  • May want partner more if threatened with losing them
  • Romeo and Juliet effect: the more parents interfere with romances, the more love teenagers feel for their partners


Closing Time

Potential partners get more attractive at closing time.

  • As the end of a night approaches, unattached bar patrons consider the remaining members of the other sex to be more attractive than they seemed to be earlier.

Closing Time

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