Bolgia 4 and 5
The Fortune Tellers and Diviners
The Grafters
The Fortune Tellers and Diviners
Bolgia 4
- Notable Characters: Amphiareus, Tresias, Aruns, Manto, Eurypylus, Michael Scott, Guido Bonatti, and Asdente
- Punishment: Compelled to walk backwards for all eternity with their heads turned backwards on their bodies with eyes blinded by tears. Since they wanted to try and look into the future in their lives now they cant even look in front of themsleves.
- Possible Test Question: The founding of Mantua described by Virgil to Dante
The Grafters
Bolgia 5
- Notable Characters: Senator of Lucca and Malacoda (Demon Leader)
- Punishment: Sunk in a boiling tar like pitch. The grafters are guarded by demons who rip them to peices with their grappling hooks and claws if they catch them above the surface of the pitch. The tar symbolizes the fingers of the grafters. It also hides them just as their sin was hidden by mens eyes on earth.
- Notable Points: Poets watch Senator of Lucca get thrown in the pitch where the demons attack him. Dante and Virgil get passage by Malacoda and get escorted by demons due to the bridge being shattered.