Glenn Duncan ELA SBAC Data-
How should we move forward?
Glenn Duncan STEM Academy
Caylin Campbell
Where are we now?
How does Duncan compare?
What do you notice?
Yellow = Below Grade Level
Light Green = Approaching Grade-Level
Dark Green = At Grade-Level
Blue = Above Grade-Level
My Red Flag
Only 22% of our students are performing at Proficient or Higher
SBAC description of Scores
"Students performing at Levels 3 and 4 are considered on track to demonstrating the knowledge and skills necessary for college and career readiness."
-Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium
Closer look per Grade Level
MAPS Data Supports SBAC
Thank you for answering our Forms!
Data to inform instruction
Lack of Common ELA Curriculum/Vertical Alignment
Need for Research-Based Intervention System for Upper Grades
Lack of Common Curriculum can cause:
- Gaps in student learning
- Excessive time spent lesson planning
- Need to relearn concepts each year
Large population of students performing below grade-level = GREAT NEED FOR A QUALITY INTERVENTION SYSTEM!
Lack of Research-Based Intervention could cause:
- Excessive amounts of time "Recreating the Wheel"
- No sound resources
- Lack of continuity/ easy to miss certain concepts
How will we address these problems?
Common Curriculum
District is adopting a new ELA curriculum that will be used starting next year!
Grade-Level Representative
- Gather grade-level response to questions:
- What is going well?
- What is not going well?
- What more do you need to be successful?
- Meet three times a year to discuss
Family Input
Survey at Second Cup of Coffee at the end of next year:
- How would parents rate the new curriculum?
- What did they like?
- What would they like to see changed?
Results will be discussed at the last Committee meeting
- Create a committee to review intervention systems for grades 3-5
- One representative from grades 2-5
- Find three possible choices
- Review pros and cons
- School visit observations
- Present options to staff before end of school year
- Staff votes
- Intervention system will be implemented for 2019-2020 school year
New Intervention System
Tasks 2019-2020 SY:
- Assist in training staff
- Committee will gather grade-level data
- What worked?
- What didn't work?
- What do we need to change?
- Meet three times a year to discuss
- Help implement changes where needed
- Assist staff with implementation
Desired State
27% of Students "Proficient" by the end of the
2019-2020 SY