Rhotic Vowels + Unstressed Syllables
S1141041 陳金億、S1141049 黃科維、S1141050 王昱凱
Rhotic Vowels
- Common in English & Modern Standerd Chinese (ex. assert、work、里→兒)
- It cannot be described as high or low, front and back, round or not round
- A lowering in frequency of the third formant
- Standard BBC English is not rhotic and has diphthongs
- Some speakers have a long [ ɛ ] instead of [ ɛə ]
ex. fairy , bearing
- Some people have a centering diphthong [ ʊə ] in words such as poor, but this is probably being replaced by [ ɔ ] in most non-rhotic accents of British English
[ɑ] and [ɔ]
- one fewer vowel in the Californian system
ex. cot, caught
[æ] and [ɑ]
- Both BBC English and American Newscaster
ex. fat, father
- But BBC English has / ɑ / in glass and last, while American English has / æ /
- Designate many vowels that have a central, reduced vowel quality.
ex. better, farmer [ 'bɛtə, 'fɑmə ]
ex. better, farmer [ 'bɛtɚ, 'fɑrmɚ ]
(a very similar quality, but with added r-coloring.)
phonological transcription
- emphatic / ɛmfætɪk /
- emphasis / ɛmfæsɪs /
(makes / æ / into [ ə ])
- [ ɔ, ʊ, u, aʊ, ɔɪ ] do not fit into this scheme of alternations in the same way as the other vowels.