B1E/C - WEEK 24 - CLASS 1
appeltaart – gerechten – gezond – keus – kont – kraan – heeft liever – rommel – ruziën – verzinnen.
Vocabulary Check - Dictee
Write down, in a list:
- Vocabulary:
- Present Simple (5.1, P. 119):
- Present Cont. VS Present Simple (5.3 P. 119):
- This/that/these/those (5.7, P. 120):
- Much, many, few, etc. (5.8, P. 120):
- Past Simple: Zijn (6.1, P. 124)
Diagnostic evaluation
After we checked: mark down how you did on this particular subject. Note down 1-10.
Present Simple Practice
Complete the sentences
Use the present simple.
1 say Mikey ... he’s good at basketball, but he isn’t.
2 not cost The food ... that much here. It’s really cheap.
3 talk You always ... really loud. It hurts my ears.
4 speak Excuse me, Sir. ... you ... French?
5 open ... the Head always ... the door for the girls?
6 not need I ... a pen, but thanks anyway.
7 not fancy Josie ... Spud, does she? – No, of course not!
8 order ... your mum and dad always ... healthy food?
9 not know I ... if there’s a salad competition. Ask Jess.
10 walk Amy and Darren often ... to school together.
After we checked: mark down how you did on this particular subject. Note down 1-10.
Present Simple VS Present Continuous
Complete the sentences
Choose between the present simple and the present continuous.
1 cry; cut Maeve always ... when she ... onions.
2 eat I usually ... a lot of greens, but right now I ... chips.
3 work ... you always ... on Saturdays?
4 get up Spud never ... early.
5 ring The phone ... . Can you pick it up, please?
6 talk Jess and I ... on the phone every Saturday.
7 smile Donny always ... when he sees you.
8 leave Why ... the Head ...? He never ... at this time.
9 follow Amy and Jess are over there. They ... the dinner lady to the canteen.
10 drink My mum never ... coffee.
After we checked: mark down how you did on this particular subject. Note down 1-10.
1 Can you give me this / that / these / those tomato sauce over there?
2 Do you like this / that / these / those sweets in the shop?
3 Josie, are this / that / these / those sunglasses I’m wearing stupid?
4 It says in this / that / these / those newspaper here that crisps aren’t that bad for you.
5 Can you help me cut this / that / these / those onions here, please?
6 Is this / that / these / those shop over there open?
7 I love this / that / these / those photographs you’ve got there!
8 No, don’t go the other way, go this / that / these / those way, over here.
9 Do this / that / these / those dinner ladies over there always work in the canteen?
10 I really like this / that / these / those options on the menu here.
1 Peter has got very many / a few / few / little work for Josie today.
2 Are there much / many / a little / little customers in the café?
3 Jimmy’s got much / a few / a little / little questions about the competition.
4 Could I have a few / few / a little / little tomato sauce, please?
5 Much / Few / A little / Little pupils like the new menu.
6 You can never eat too much / many / few / a little fruit.
7 We haven’t got much / many / few / a few choice, have we?
8 I like many / few / a few / a little mayo with my chips.
9 Many / much / little / a little people eat bacon and eggs for breakfast.
10 Can we have much / few / a few / little menus over here, please?
After we checked: mark down how you did on this particular subject. Note down 1-10.
- Study vocab unit 5
- Study oneliners unit 5
- + read the grammar of those topics you didn't do as well on as you would like.