What is Essentialism?
Emalyne Gay, Jenna Vance, Rebecca Pippin, and Gabriel Harrison
Essentialism: an educational theory that states a culture's basic ideals and learning skills should be taught to all students using the same time-tested methods
- Lectures
- Minimal student interaction
- One size fits all approach
William C. Bagley
William C. Bagley
- believed that education was not supposed to change society but to preserve it
- published a book in 1938 called Essentialists Platform
- attended an American Association of School Administrators conference and urged schools to stick to core curriculum
Role of Teacher/Student in Essentialism
Role of
- Instill in students basic academic knowledge
- Set the tone and structure of the environment
- Model and enforce discipline
- Lead the classroom in respect, high standards, and mastery of skills
- Must achieve same level of education as all other students despite any disability or language barrier
- To be trained in discipline for professional workplace as opposed to personal fulfillment
Ethics, Logic, and Epistemology
- Emphasis is placed on the basics of learning
- The teacher is in control
- Very structured curriculum and environment
- Lecture style teaching to keep focus on learning
- All students given equal opportunity to learn
- Loud and disorganized environments are not ideal for learning
- Training the mind
- Basics are the building blocks for higher education
- Students are forced to think in the mindset of the larger culture
- No emphasis on individual creativity or thinking for one's self
- Memorization, repetition, practice, and tests are most important for learning in this environment