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We want to be a gathering of Christ-followers who deeply care for the church and all of Greenville, through service, mercy, compassion, teaching, accountability, and friendship.
Jn. 13:31-35 ESV “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this, all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another."
Here you will find opportunities to connect and serve
within our Mitchell Road community.
with Community
We believe doing life together is a fundamental part of being in community with other believers. Corporate Worship is the first step in connecting with the Mitchell Road community. It is our hope to provide ways for you to connect and fellowship with others all week long.
Sunday School Communities are age-based groups that provide teaching and care. We have classes for all ages, and they meet Sunday mornings from 9:45 to 10:45 AM. Come by the front desk to find out where classes meet!
Sunday School Link:
Community Groups are a place to connect and belong. Community Groups meet on Sunday nights several times a month. This is a place for all ages, stages, and gender.
There are opportunities to serve within your Community Group. Be a host
on a rotating basis, or facilitate discussion using a set of
questions sent to you weekly.
Sign up for Community Groups at
Enjoy fellowship with people in a similar stage of life. Young Adults typically meet on every first Thursday of the month in the evenings. There is also a Young Adult Community Group, and a college-aged Sunday School class.
Fill out our interest form to get updates on all things Young Adult, or click the Community Group registration link to get plugged in to the Young Adult CG!
Enjoy opportunities for fellowship, spiritual growth, and fun with other senior adults. Events are held regularly.
Fill out the interest form below to receive regular updates!
Our church is built around our gathering on Sunday mornings to worship together. We want to worship well and welcome well, and to do that we need all our members to pitch in to help create a smooth worship experience for all ages, as well as a welcoming atmosphere for members and guests.
Just as members of a family all take turns doing their jobs to keep their household running, we need our members to take an active part in the various tasks on Sunday mornings. It is our desire that all our members join in and serve on a Sunday morning team once a month.
We also have many opportunities throughout the week where you can take part in serving our church community. Take a look at
the ways you can serve on week days.
Love your community by serving on Sunday mornings once a month. Our Sunday morning teams have roles that can be filled by all kinds of skill sets! Fill out the form below to start serving;
throughout the week
There are many ways you can care for the Mitchell Road community all week long. These are simple acts of service that make a big impact on showing love to our community.
Click the link below to see how you can serve:
Recent college graduates learn to carry the gospel into every aspect of life as they participate in this nine month program. There are many ways that you can serve and support the fellows!
Fellows Program Volunteer Interest Form:
within Hope-Filled Discipleship
We can actively engage in other's lives, teaching people to be disciples, and expecting God will do great work in evangelism & sanctification.
Heb. 10:23-24 “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works.”
within Hope-Filled Discipleship
At Mitchell Road, the foundation of all we do is God’s word.
It is the basis for how we love, care for, and encourage one another. Here you will find opportunities to connect with others in settings that allow more mature Christians to train you in God's word and encourage your spiritual growth.
Morning electives are targeted curriculum for theology, culture, and Biblical literacy on Sunday Mornings. Click the link below for updates on upcoming electives.
Students meet together each week throughout the school year with godly adult leaders and a small group of students of the same gender and grade who desire to grow in their relationship with Jesus. The goal of each group is to grow spiritually and also to grow as a small group community.
5th Grade Journey Groups meet Wednesdays from 4 to 5 PM.
6th-8th Grade Journey Groups meet on Sundays from 4 to 5 PM.
9th-12th Grade Journey Groups meet Wednesdays from 7:45 to 9 PM.
Youth Journey Groups will begin in September and end in November this year.
Fill out the form below to get plugged in!
Youth Interest Form:
Journey groups are small groups of 6-8 men or women who meet together at different times and locations all across Greenville. This is a place where you will be deeply known, grow in your gospel identity as a godly man or woman, and as a result, disciple others.
Women's Discipleship Interest Form:
Men's Discipleship Interest Form:
In the Fall, Women's Bible Studies will be offered on Tuesday mornings and Wednesday nights. Details to come! Check the link below for more details and to sign up.
Registration Link:
Moms of all ages and stages form table groups of 7-10 women to discuss a book. It's a time of fellowship with other moms and an opportunity to learn, grow, and discuss common issues. In the Fall, we will be meeting on
Tuesday mornings from 9:15-11 AM
Registration Link:
This class provides prospective new members with foundational training that equips them to be contributing members of the church. You must complete this course to become a member, but you don't have to be seeking membership to attend.
The New Members Class will begin on October 16th during the Sunday School hour and will meet through November 20th.
Register at
within Hope-Filled Discipleship
At Mitchell Road, we seek to create a space where messy sinners can feel safe to live courageously in a loving community. We believe that we are all sinners made in the image of God, who have received a free gift of eternal life. And we want the hope that flows out from that promise to flourish in our weekly discipleship. Serving in a discipleship role will give you the opportunity to show less mature Christians the depth and power of that hope.
Pour into one of our Fellows as they learn to let Christ infiltrate every part of their lives. This commitment requires about an hour a week from September to May. This year, we have all the mentors we need, but please fill out the form below if you're interested in mentoring
a Fellow in the future.
Fellows Program Volunteer Interest Form:
Our Youth Journey Group Leaders lead a group of girls or guys split up by grade (5th through 12th grade) through a provided curriculum. Youth Journey Groups meet weekly at Mitchell Road
for about an hour.
Youth Volunteer Interest Form:
Facilitate small groups of 6-8 men or women as they meet together at different times and locations all across Greenville. Fill out the interest form below if you'd like to learn more about becoming a Journey Group Leader.
Women's Discipleship Interest Form:
Men's Discipleship Interest Form:
Mitchell Road offers different Bible Studies each semester. If you are interested in leading one in the future, fill out the form below.
Women's Discipleship Interest Form:
Mentors facilitate table groups of 7-10 women to discuss a book. Along with guiding discussion, Mentors readily share from their own experiences to help and encourage the moms in their groups. The time commitment is the weekly meeting, and any prep time necessary. If you're interested in being a Mentor in the future, fill out the form below.
Women's Discipleship Interest Form:
Our Church is governed by the Presbyterian Leadership model.
We have elders who shepherd and teach, and we have deacons
who serve the Church body in physical ways.
During summer months we ask for officer nominations from within the congregation. Once a member has been nominated to become an officer, they must attend a training in the fall, be vetted by our Session at the end of the training, and be elected by the congregation in December.
The Book of Church Order 8-3. It belongs to those in the office of elder, both severally and jointly, to watch diligently over the flock committed to his charge, that no corruption of doctrine or of morals enter therein. They must exercise government and discipline, and take oversight not only of the spiritual interests of the particular church, but also the Church generally when called thereunto. They should visit the people at their homes, especially the sick. They should instruct the ignorant, comfort the mourner, nourish and guard the children of the Church. They should set a worthy example to the flock entrusted to their care by their zeal to evangelize the unconverted and make disciples. All those duties which private Christians are bound to discharge by the law of love are especially incumbent upon them by divine vocation, and are to be discharged as official duties. They should pray with and for the people, being careful and diligent in seeking the fruit of the preached Word among the flock.
I Timothy 3:1-7 Here is a trustworthy saying: If anyone sets his heart on being an overseer, he desires a noble task. Now the overseer must be above reproach, the husband of but one wife, temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not given to drunkenness, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money. He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him with proper respect. (If anyone does not know how to manage his own family, how can he take care of God's church?) He must not be a recent convert, or he may become conceited and fall under the same judgment as the devil. He must also have a good reputation with outsiders, so that he will not fall into disgrace and into the devil's trap.
Nomination Form:
The Book of Church Order 9-1,2 The office of deacon is set forth in the Scriptures as ordinary and perpetual in the Church. The office is one of sympathy and service, after the example of the Lord Jesus; it expresses also the communion of saints, especially in their helping one another in time of need.
It is the duty of the deacons to minister to those who are in need, to the sick, to the friendless, and to any who may be in distress. It is their duty also to develop the grace of liberality in the members of the church, to devise effective methods of collecting the gifts of the people, and to distribute these gifts among the objects to which they are contributed. They shall have the care of the property of the congregation, both real and personal, and shall keep in proper repair the church edifice and other buildings belonging to the congregation. In matters of special importance affecting the property of the church, they cannot take final action without the approval of the Session and consent of the congregation.
In the discharge of their duties the deacons are under the supervision and authority of the Session. In a church in which it is impossible for any reason to secure deacons, the duties of the office shall devolve upon the ruling elders.
I Timothy 3:8-12 Deacons, likewise, are to be men worthy of respect, sincere, not indulging in much wine, and not pursuing dishonest gain. They must keep hold of the deep truths of the faith with a clear conscience. They must first be tested; and then if there is nothing against them, let them serve as deacons. In the same way, their wives are to be women worthy of respect, not malicious talkers but temperate and trustworthy in everything. A deacon must be the husband of but one wife and must manage his children and his household well.
Nomination Form:
We can face each situation with faith rather than fear because we serve a God who is providential and sovereign, and who calls us to live with joy in our work, recreation, and endeavors.
Phil. 1:20-21 “I will not be at all ashamed, but that with full courage now as always Christ will be honored in my body, whether by life or by death. For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.”
We are all broken by sin. But we have a Savior who created us and who pursues us, who redeems us, and restores us. We hope that these opportunities will allow you to identify your brokenness, and encourage you to run to the Father who helps us in all things.
Safe places are designed so the people of God can
share their struggles with others in the journey of life. We believe that there are real sin struggles in the lives of our people. The purpose is to create an environment where the beginning of accountability, sharing,
and confession can occur.
We've offered the following Safe Places for men in the past:
Men dealing with Depression & Anxiety
Men dealing with Same Sex Attraction
Taking Action: Men struggling with Lust
Taking Action: Men struggling with Lust is currently meeting
every Monday night from 6:30 to 8 in the Manse.
Fill out the form below to let us know if you would be interested in joining a Safe Place listed above when it starts again, or to let us know about a topic you’d like to see in a Safe Place setting. Even if we don’t have a Safe Place currently meeting for the issue you’d like to work through,
we will contact you about other options.
Interest Form:
We've offered the following Safe Places for women in the past:
Circle of Friends: Support for Widows
Women with Shame Issues
Wives of Men struggling with Lust
Women dealing with Infertility
Women with Eating Issues
Fill out the form below to let us know if you would be interested in joining a Safe Place listed above when it starts again, or to let us know about a topic you’d like to see in a Safe Place setting. Even if we don’t have a Safe Place currently meeting for the issue you’d like to work through, we will contact you about other options.
Interest Form:
The Mitchell Road Stephen Ministry matches those who desire one to one confidential Christian caring ministry with one of our Stephen Ministers. Stephen Ministers are members of our congregation who are gifted in the areas of mercy, discernment, and encouragement.
These volunteers have completed over 50 hours of training and are well-prepared to meet the various needs of our church members, or “Care Receivers.” Receiving care from a Stephen Minister is absolutely free, and our Ministers understand well the importance of discernment and confidentiality. Meet with your minister one hour weekly over the phone, video chat, or in person.
Interest Form:
We encourage all MR members to go through one or both of our marriage enrichment programs.
At Re|Engage, Marriage Mentor couples guide a small group through Biblical principles that encourage growth as a couple. Re|Engage meets during the Sunday School hour from August 14 to November 20th.
At Grace Marriage, couples meet with other couples at varying stages of life for marriage coaching and to explore different perspectives. Grace Marriage meets on 4 Saturdays for several hours. 2 sessions are in the Fall Semester, and 2 are in the Spring Semester.
To register for Re|Engage or Grace Marriage:, visit
Mentor couples impart wisdom and guidance to pre-marital couples or to married couples who desire support.
Time Commitment:
6 sessions total,
1 to 1.5 hours every couple of weeks.
Interest Form:
"As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace..." 1 Peter 4:10
God calls upon His people to use their time, talents, and financial resources for His work and for His glory; it’s our responsibility to be honorable stewards of these gifts by giving generously, with thanksgiving in response to God’s blessings in our lives.
Our generosity is a heartfelt response to God’s generosity to us. When generosity is motivated by grace rather than guilt, we will give faithfully and sacrificially as an expression of the joy we have in our salvation and the blessings we have received through our relationship with Christ.
If you’re not tithing already, we encourage you to be a part of God's work. You may want to take the 1% Tithe Challenge in Courageous Living. This means that you increase your tithe by 1% or increase your giving by 1%. Maybe you are at 5% - challenge yourself this year to trust the Lord and get to 6%. As you do this, trust the Lord and see how God provides.
Start tithing here:
Mitchell Road is committed to the ongoing task of global missions until Jesus returns by sending, supporting and shepherding cross-cultural missionaries. Join your church family in giving and praying as we give to mobilize this generation of cross-cultural missionaries to the nations.
Give here:
We have many Local Ministry Partners that you can support financially. Right now, we are highlighting three that you can give to today.
The SWITCH mission is to end human trafficking and sexual exploitation in the Upstate of South Carolina.
To learn more about SWITCH, click here:
To donate, click here:
At City Center Counseling Ministries we are passionate
about serving the Greenville Community.
We have partnered with the local Church (Mitchell Road Presbyterian Church, Grace Church, Fellowship Greenville, and others) to develop a community resource that is aimed at helping to meet the counseling need in the community. In particular, we are targeting to help meet the need of the un and under insured community.
Because of partnerships that we have with the local church, we are
able to provide our services on a sliding scale basis when needed.
Our counselors provide outpatient therapy for men, women, couples, and adolescents.
To learn more, click here:
To donate, contact Daniel Norman at 864-326-3435.
This is our newest local outreach partner created by one of our elders, Bob Caldwell. Their mission is to provide housing for missionaries on home assignment, but also provides housing to others in the community in need. If you are interested in donating, you can write checks to “Homes with a Mission” and send to 207 Mitchell Road, Greenville, SC 29615.
Outreach Ministry at Mitchell Road is focused
on demonstrating Christ’s love for all people through direct ministry and ministry partnerships. We strive to be in a loving Christian relationship with as many people from all walks of life as a fulfillment of
the Great Commission.
At Mitchell Road, we have many Local Ministry Partners. Right now, we are highlighting three who you can volunteer with.
Bel-Aire Community Partners is a primarily youth-based ministry in West Greenville. We build relationships with the Dunean and Judson neighborhoods through after-school programs, summer camp and community events.
To see how you can get involved, click here:
This is a nonprofit, tax exempt 501(c)(3) organization with a mission to help disadvantaged people, both locally and abroad, get the eye care they need to lead productive lives. Based in Greenville, South Carolina, they are led by ophthalmic surgeons and optometrists that provide eye exams, eyeglasses, and surgery to those in need.
To see how you can get involved, click here:
Miracle Hill Ministries’ volunteer program exists to connect people who have a desire to share their God-given talents with those in our care by offering personal opportunities that are
meaningful to them
and beneficial
to the ministry.
To see how you can get involved, click here:
This is our newest local outreach partner created by one of our elders, Bob Caldwell. Their mission is to provide housing for missionaries on home assignment, but also provides housing to others in the community in need. There are several volunteer needs for this organization including office work, cleaning houses and construction projects. Please contact Bob Caldwell at
We’ve been thankful to offer many Short Term Missions trips in the past, and will continue to offer more in the future. With COVID-19, our plans have largely been put on hold. Depending on the state of the pandemic in 2021, we hope to have trips going to North India, Cuba, and London. Stay tuned!
Christ came to us in the carnal body (in the flesh) to restore
our relationship to God. And not only did Christ come to us, he became sin for us. Not only did he enter our own dirty world,
he got his own spotless hands dirty in the process.
We serve each other and the world around us by becoming the very hands and feet of Christ. In order to imitate him, we have to be relational. We have to be incarnational. We have to
get our hands dirty.
Safe places are designed so the people of God can share their struggles with others in the journey of life. We believe that there are real sin struggles in the lives of our people. The purpose is to create an environment where the beginning of accountability, sharing, and confession can occur.
Confidentiality is of the utmost importance.
Past Men's Safe Places
-Men dealing with Depression & Anxiety
-Men dealing with Same Sex Attraction
-Taking Action: Men struggling with Lust
Time Commitment:
1 to 1.5 hours once monthly, every other week, or weekly (depending on frequency of meeting)
Past Women's Safe Places:
-Circle of Friends: Support for Widows
-Women with Shame Issues
-Wives of Men Struggling with Lust
-Women dealing with Infertility
-Women with Eating Issues
Fill out the form below to let us know which Safe Place topic you’re interested in facilitating. Choose from a topic listed here, or write in your own topic.
Leadership Interest Form:
Facilitate a group of 4 couples who are seeking to enrich their marriages.
-Complete 16-week Re Engage course.
-Complete 3 hour leader training time.
Facilitating Time Commitment:
-One hour, once a week for 16 weeks.
-Host your small group for meal once or twice during the 16 week course.
Leadership Interest Form:
Mentor couples impart wisdom and guidance to pre-marital couples or to married couples who desire support.
2 hours on Sunday mornings for 4 weeks.
Some homework is involved as well.
Time Commitment:
6 sessions total,
1 to 1.5 hours every couple of weeks.
Leadership Interest Form:
The Mitchell Road Stephen Ministry matches those who desire one to one confidential Christian caring ministry with one of our Stephen Ministers. Stephen Ministers are members of our congregation who are gifted in the areas of mercy, discernment, and encouragement.
-Training: 2 hours on Sunday Mornings from January to April. Training is offered every other year. The next training will begin in January 2022.
-Time Commitment: Ministers are expected to meet with their participants one hour weekly over phone, video chat, or in person.
-Training: One intensive week of training in another city (paid for by the church)- this is done on an "as needed" basis. The next training session has not been scheduled yet.
-Time Commitment: Leaders train ministers for 2 hours on Sunday mornings in January through April, every other year.
Leadership Interest Form:
We can be seasoned in God’s grace by preaching the gospel to ourselves and believing that Christ is sufficient for all our needs and desires while having an urgency in our pursuit of justice, fueled by a resting sense of Christ's sufficiency and power.
2 Cor. 12:9 “But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’"
When we are resting in grace, we will love God and our neighbors, we will live in incarnational relationships, and we will lean on God's sovereignty and sufficiency.