Meumet Case
Ariel Gendelman (b00766687)
Divya Tolath (b00758219)
- Family- owned, est. 1985
- Manufactures office furniture
- 5 categories of items
- ~80% sold is white or grey
- Each commercial agency consists of
- 1 MD, ~3 commercial reps, 3 driver-fitters & 1 repairer/driver-fitter
- Board of Directors consists of
- GM, Technical & Sales Manager
Redundancies in the production process and a lack of a centralized inventory system have led to a decrease in operational efficiency, compromising both sales, lead times and product quality.
- Add seasonal workers to catch up on backlogged orders
- In the long term, if additional staff reduces lead times, Meumet may consider hiring on a permanent basis
- Stock parts in grey, white and unpainted for effective just-in-time approach thus blending just-in-case with just-in-time
- Centralized sales system to consolidate and track all orders and inventory
- Central online sales system must require down payments to confirm orders thus reducing the probability of order cancellation
- Agencies should focus on sales, on-site assembly and repairs
Reallocation of Production