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I created a playlist with a variety of songs to go along with the storyline of "The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet". Each song relates/represents feelings that are felt by important characters throughout the story or significant events that take place.
1. "Aftertaste" by Ben Lee
2. "Angel" by The Weeknd
3. "In My Head" by Bedroom
4. "The Balcony Scene" by Pierce the Veil
5. "I Love You So" by The Walters
6. "Anyone Else" by Pvris
7. "Without You" by Beach Goons
8. "Die for You" by The Weeknd
9. "Lakeview Cemetery" by Bones
10. "A Departure" by La Dispute
12. "Let Live" by Of Mice and Men
13. "Choking on Flowers" by Fox Academy
14. "Always" by Panic! at the Disco
This Act intoduces all of the characters as well as the dramatic rivalry between the two families. Romeo also meets Juliet for the first time and instantly falls in love with her. The song "Aftertaste" by Ben Lee represents the suspence after reading the prologue and finding out that both Romeo and Juliet die. "The aftertaste is gonna break my heart" relates to Romeo's overpowering love for Juliet regardless of the fact her family is an enemy and nothing will end well.
In Act I, Scene 5 Romeo sees Juliet for the first time and is starstruck by her beauty. He realizes she is his true love at first sight. The lyrics "knew you were special from the moment I saw you" from
The Weeknd's song "Angel", can relate to what was going through Romeo's head when he layed his eyes on her.
The Capulet Ball is where Romeo and Juliet met. Romeo didnt want to go but he was dragged along and it ended up being one of the best nights of his life. The song "Vegas Lights" by Panic! at the Disco fits very well with this setting because it has a very upbeat and happy tone.
In Act II Romeo completely falls for Juliet. He refuses to call her an enemy although their families are rivals. They are both excited to finally be together, the song "In My Head" by Bedroom is about something taking over someones life. The lyrics "It consumes my mind, it consumes my soul" are similar to how Romeo is deeply in love with Juliet.
In Act II, Scene 5 the famous "Balconey Scene" takes place. Romeo and Juliet see each other after the party and decide that they are going to have a secret marriage. In Pierce the Veil's song "The Balcony Scene", the lyrics "Have you every really danced on the edge" relates to how Romeo seems to test Juliets love for him by asking her to go behind her families back and marry him.
In the song "Let Live" by Of Mice and Men, it discusses how the persons life was led on by a lie and everything ended the way they knew it would regardless of what they chose to let go. This relates to the major motif of fate that appears in the story several times.
Act III is full of sorrow and grieving. Two important characters die and Romeo is banished all in the same day. The song "I Love You So" by The Walters is perfect for this scene because it is about how much the singer is in love witha girl but it's better for them to be apart. The lyrics "I've gotta get away and let you go, I gotta get over... but I love you so" fit with how Romeo feels when he has to leave
In Act III Romeo was banished from town for killing Tybalt in response to him killing Mercutio. "Anyone Else" by Pvris fits well with this scene because Romeo doesn't want to leave Juliet since she's his true love. "And no matter how far and wide I roam, you are the only one that I'll ever know. I don't belong to anyone else".
In Act IV Romeo is banished from town which results in Juliet being pressured to marry Paris. The song "Without You" by Beach Goons fits with this since the act is mainly about Juliet longing for Romeo to come back. "I want to tell you how beautiful you are but you're nowhere to be found" seem to relate to how Juliet is feeling.
In Act IV, Juliet fakes her death in hopes that Romeo will come back to see her. She's nervous to take the potion given to her by Friar Lawrence because she believes it may actually kill her. The Weeknd's "Die for You" goes along with this since it discusses his true love for someone and says "The distance and the time between us, it'll never change my mind, cause baby I would die for you."
The most tragic act is definitely this one, both Romeo and Juliet die in it. Romeos recieves the news that Juliet has died. Similar to the song "Lakeview Cemetery" by Bones, Romeo feels as if his life is no longer worth living without his true love. The lyrics "If you're going I'm going too, if I should fall off the edge of the world, I'd crawl my way back to you" fit with Romeos overwhelming emotions in this act.
In Act V Juliet wakes up to find Romeo next to her, dead. "A Departure" by La Dispute fits this scene because it is about the overwhelming urge to die/discover what death is like. The lyrics "I know I never used to feel like this.... I used to feel like everything was perfectly in order, a normal life" are similar to how Juliet's life was before she met Romeo. This tragedy ultimately results in her death as well.
The song "Choking on Flowers" by Fox Academy fits as a representation of Romeo and Juliet's relationship and feelings for each other because it talks about someone trying to impress their significant other's parents which is similar to their situation. The lyrics "Not eat with you? I'd rather starve" reminds me of Romeo's overwhelming love for Juliet, he'd do anything to be with her.
The song "Always" by Panic! at the Disco is perfect for the main theme because it's about how someone is in love and they're looking for signs to see that the other person loves them back. The lyrics "When the world gets too heavy, put it on my back, I'll be your levy" are similar to Romeo's feelings towards Juliet. He wants to be there for her and be able to support her.