Mean girls and Socialization
By: Emily Roux
What is socialization
Socialization is the cultural process of learning to participate in group life.
Socialization According to mean girls
Such as:
Attitudes, beliefs, values, and behaviors
Major points of socialization are family, school, peer groups, and mass media
Mean Girls Connection with socialization
- Cady moves to a new school and experiences culture shock
- She has to learn the people at the schools norms, beliefs, values, and attitudes in order to fit in
Connection to Mean Girls
Family in Socialization
- Family shapes what we think of ourselves and how others treat us
Familys in Mean Girls
- Cady's family is over protective and treats her like a young child
- There is mutual respect between her and her parents
- Theres an emphasis on the importance of education
- Cady loves math -> she's good at it
- Her family has rules and regulations
- The lead-plastics mom acts immature
- like one of the kids
Hidden Curriculem
School's hidden curriculem
- The informal and unoffical aspects of culture that children are taught in preperation for life
- discipline
- order
- cooperation
- conformity
Hidden curriculem in mean girls
- The plastics rule the school
- People are put into sections
- different peer groups
- Each have different rules
- some are exclusive
- Adults don't trust students
- People are not nice
- there's a hierarchy
- The plastics get more power than others
Peer Groups
Peer groups
- Composed of individuals of roughly the same age and interests
- Gives kids the opportunity to think, feel behave and engage in activities that involve self expression
Peer groups in Mean girls
- Peer groups
- Asians, nerds, asexual, band geeks, art Freaks, anti-plastics, plastics, actual human beings
- Cady feels like she has to act a certain way in order to not be looked down upon by others
- Conformity is necessary to become a member of any of the groups
- rules for each group
- some groups have more power than others
- No interaction between groups keeps peace
Functionalist perspective
- Stresses the ways in which groups work together to create a stable society
Functionalists perspective
Functionalist perspective in Mean Girls
Functionalist persective in Mean Girls
- The plastics
- -> they have to comply to certain beauty standards
- The mathletes
- ->they don't want Cady in after she shows she became one of the plastics
Symbolic Interationalist Perspective
Symbolic Interationalist Perspective
- Emphasizes how people study and interupt things that they are taught during socialization. They interact with what they are taught and create their own social self that comes about through their interpretation of what society teaches them
Symbolic Interactionist in Mean Girls
Symbolic Interationalist Persoective in Mean girls
- Self concept
- She begins to be more conceited and starts to like herself more
- Family oriented
- Looking glass self
- She starts to see herself as pretty because because everyone else thought she was
- She started not liking herself when others didn't like her
- She begins to see the power of being attracive
- Begins to be critical of her appearance
Symbolic Interactionist Perspective
Symbolic interactionist
- Signigicant Others
- Starts off as the plastics
- Peer groups replace her family as the most importatnt influence on her self concept
- Role taking
- takes on the role of the plastics
- Generalizaed other
- when she starts becoming friends with the plastics