Ted Bundy
Notorious Presentation
Sarah Cassidy, Abbey-Hill Caswell, Becca Frick, Brittney Harrington, Megan Parent
Importance of HBSE in Social Work
- This course provides models of human development
- Biopsychosocial, Erikson, Piaget, Freud, etc.
- It also explains possible motives, as well as outside influences that shape an individual's behavior
- Comprehensively evaluates the individual's life, from their most personal experiences, to how they have been affected by society
- HBSE gives social workers special insight into not only the influential factors in a person's life, but also how to better approach their problems
- through the use of development models
A Comprehensive Approach
- Social work is somewhat unique in its approach to problem-solving.
- Example: A patient is diagnosed with Parkinson's disease.
- A doctor will inform the patient of their diagnosis, and maybe offer some information about future treatment options.
- A social worker would additionally educate the patient about how this condition might affect their ADL's, as well as work with their family to coordinate better care if necessary.
- In certain cases, the social worker might even look into legislation that could be negatively affecting the client, and legally advocate for better policies (wheelchairs, ramps, etc.).
- Here are our micro, mezzo, and macro analyses of Ted Bundy.
Micro: the individual and immediate family
The focus is centered around individual characteristics such as IQ, age, gender, income, spirituality, self-esteem, physical and mental health, and emotional development
(Rogers, 2016)
Early Childhood
- Born in Burlington, Vermont on November 24, 1946
- Mother was 22 years old and unmarried
- (humiliated her deeply religious parents)
- She delivered the child at a home for unwed mothers
- Bundy was raised as the adopted son of his grandparents
- and was told that his mother was his sister!!
- He never had any contact with his birth father
- identity remains unknown
("Ted Bundy", 2017)
Adoptive father (aka grandfather)
- Known for being an outspoken bigot
- He physically abused his wife and children and brutalized the family dog.
- He suffered hallucinations and would sometimes talk or argue with people who were not there.
Adoptive father (aka grandfather)
Later Childhood
- Bundy showed an unusual interest in gruesome and grotesque things at an early age.
- Around the age of three, he became fascinated by knives.
- As a teenager, Bundy liked to peer in other people's windows and thought nothing of stealing things he wanted from other people.
("Ted Bundy, 2017)
- Was reportedly shy and socially awkward until part way through college where he went though a transformation and became outwardly confident, charismatic, and active in social and political matters...the psychopathic man his victims encountered.
(Montaldo, 2017)
elements in a person's immediate environment
family, friends, co-workers, neighborhood, work environment, church activities, etc
- Did well academically, but not socially
- Attended University of Washington
- Fell in love with a girl who would later break up with him, he was devestated
- Went to law school and became more confident and social
- Involved in politics
- Often lured girls into his car
- Would pretend to be injured and asked the girl for help
- Many of his victims looked like his ex-girlfriend from college
- 1978: broke into Chi Omega house at Florida State University
- attacked 4, killed 2
· The world around him
· He wasn’t trusted by people his age that he knew
· His professors and authoritative figures always denied his psychotic behavior
· He blamed pornography for his mental problems
Macro - level
Looks at large-scale social processes, such as social stability and change
Macro - level
Understanding Motivations
-Social Workers must analyze the entire life to find a root to a problem
-Recap: Ted Bundy had a mother who was unmarried and a completely absent father
-He was confused by his identity based on his adoptive parents being his grandparents
-Early signs of delusion included fascination of knives
-Little to no empathy regarding others in higschool (socially awkward then switched personalities in college)
-when a romantic relationship ended, Bundy broke and victims looked like ex girlfriend
-He then transfered his fantasy life of how it would feel to release his pain, to actually acting on his desire
-He went from fantasy, to dissociation, to compartmentalization
-Fantasy stems from seeking comfort, dissociation from prentending fantasy is real, and compartmentalization shifting from healthy separation of concious to combining the two
-Fantasy melds with reality based on painful memories melding with coping
-The hurt from Bundy not having a clear origin, and being outcasted by his tendacies, and finally being rejected by his girlfriend
-This hurt led to his reality becoming focused on fulfilling his fantasy
Montaldo, C. (2017, July 31). Profile of Ted Bundy - Serial Killer, Rapist, Necrophile. Retrieved December 02, 2017, from https://www.thoughtco.com/profile-of-serial-killer-ted-bundy-973178
Rogers, Anissa Taun. Human Behavior in the Social Environment: Perspective on Development and the Life Course. 4th ed., Routledge, 2016.
Ted Bundy. (2017, August 02). Retrieved November 28, 2017 from https://www.biography.com/people/ted-bundy-923115