Welcome to The Wonderful World of Real Estate According to King Street FYSS!
Please take a note card and fill out the following:
- name
- hometown
- major/career goals
- why did you choose Real Estate According to King Street?
About Me
- International Studies and Political Science Double Major - Double Minor in Geography and Latin American Studies
- I enjoy rock climbing, hiking, and playing volleyball with friends
- Studied in Guadeloupe twice and in Cuba next spring
- Say your name and hometown
- Describe how your home screen relates to you
- State why you chose to take this course
What is FYE?
- FYE stands for First Year Experience
- Every incoming freshman has to take this course in order to graduate from the College of Charleston
- This course is designed to better acquaint you to college life.
What is FYE?
You may be wondering the following:
Ugh...why do I have to take this course???
What will I learn during this course?
What am I going to gain from this course?
You need this course in order to graduate.
You will learn about campus resources and about other everyday topics such as social justice, sustainability, and of course Real Estate!
You've chosen to attend a liberal arts college which will equip you to be a well versed and knowledgeable citizen.
Actively participate in class.
How do I EARN an A in this course?
Complete the weekly module before every course.
Write a letter to yourself! Write about:
- your excitement/anxiousness to be a college student
- your goals for this semester
- your concerns
- your emotions...homesickness?
How to make the most of your college experience.
Resources and Questions?
Cougar Counseling
- 843.953.5640
- http://counseling.cofc.edu/index.php
Collegiate Recovery Program
- 843.953.6630
- http://deanofstudents.cofc.edu/collegiate-recovery-program/index.php
Office of Victim Services
- 843.953.2273
- http://victimservices.cofc.edu/index.php
Career Center
- http://careercenter.cofc.edu/
Get Involved!
Don't forget to check the academic calendar!