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The Right Kind of Family Inheritance - Proverbs 13:22

Prezi by: Purity Mwende


A good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children,and the wealth of the sinner is stored up for the righteous.


What kind of inheritance are you leaving?

*Good families improve generation by generation. *Good men save for grandchildren.

*God blesses the noble investment by taking from the wicked and adding it to their inheritance.

*A loving patriarch intends for future generations of his family to have greater economic power.

Good men are farsighted

*Good men are farsighted, especially for their families.They are great family planners.

*They rejoice in grandchildren, and they prepare every possible advantage.

*God rewards their goodness by protecting their estates for their posterity.

*The generations of the just are blessed (Ps 103:17),but he takes riches from the wicked and gives them to the godly.


The Bible Promises

*The Bible promises longevity to the righteous and shortened days to sinners (Pr 3:1-2; 4:10; 9:11; 10:27; Ps 34:11-13; 91:16; Eph 6:2-3).

*It also promises the safe transfer of wealth from one generation to another for them (Pr 28:8; Eccl 2:26; Job 27:16-17).

These are wonderful promises that no insurance or salesman can even approach with his offers.

Men Have a Huge Family Role.

Men Have a Huge Family Role.

*Patriarchy is God’s plan for the family. As goes the father, so goes the family. Most life problems can be traced to a negligent father.

*He first must be morally and spiritually good, as taught in this proverb. Then he must save and give an inheritance to his grandchildren.

*He counts grandchildren as his crown (Pr 17:6).


*One thing we need to remember is that God does not promise riches in wealth to all men in equal amounts.

*Solomon laments of the man who had worked himself to death to obtain money, only to leave it to a son who is a fool.

*This man may have left wealth to his son, but he forgot to leave him spiritual wealth and wisdom. Therefore the money he had earned and saved will only be wasted by a son who is a complete moron when it comes living.


Inheritance of Godliness and Wisdom


*We need to leave our children an inheritance of Godliness and Wisdom as well as one that we can Financially. Without this our children will suffer far worse than if they miss a few luxuries according to the dictates of society.

*There are those who will have wealth, but may spend eternity in abject poverty in hell when they die.

This is no inheritance that you want to pass on to your family.



God promised that a Godly man can touch thousands over the lives of his children and grandchildren.

But to do so we need to be willing to invest,not just in stocks and bonds - but in a Godly Heritage that will take a lifetime to develop and prepare for our families.

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