- Reflect on the progress made and outline future priorities for sustained success.
"Everything a leader does, her statements and philosophy, reactions to key events, her energy, and interaction style, influences culture in a powerful way."
Ebony Bridwell-Mitchell
"Inspired by Vision
Fueled by Enthusiasm Powered by Purpose
Driven to Succeed"
August Planning
- Site Inspection:Walk-thru site prior to reopening with building manager.
- Plan with admin team to welcome back staff.
- Set clear goals and expectations for school year.
- 1:1 meetings with all staff: 30 minutes (listening/learn).
- Plan yearly staff meetings; discsuss vision; make agreements as a team; discuss ways to collaborate to achieve our goals.
- Ensure beginning of year assessment resources are available to all staff and we are equipped to implement.
- Observe classes, identify areas for improvement; build relationships.
- Meet with district manager; reflect; make adjustments if necessary.
- Celebrate small wins.
September Planning
- Evaluate the school's safety protocols: emergency plans, fire drills, and lockdown procedures. Plan for upcoming drills and ensure staff are adequately prepared.
- Calibration walk-thrus: Continue to visit Classrooms to observe student learning and behavior; along with teaching practices.
- Meet with intructional coaching team and discuss year-to-date plans and coaching calenar for new and experienced teachers.
- Utilizing data to identify areas for improvement and informed decision-making.
- Collaborative goal setting: Introduce grade chair leads; present data gathered from assessments and establish goals.
- Plan for parent-teacher conferences.
- Stay on top of logistics: Send out monthly calendars; meet with district manager; celebrate small wins.
July Planning
October Planning
- Meet with admin team to review feedback from walk-thrus, observations and surveys.
- Comprehensive needs assessment.
- Develop professional growth opportunities based on data analysis and feedback.
- Adjust schedule, lesson planning, and professional development to support student and teacher progress.
- Celebrate student and staff successes.
- Meet with district manager to reflect.
- Create and share the next 90 day plan.
- Meet with manager/predecessor to discuss school history, culture, and critical issues.
- Plan meetings with key stakeholders to assess existing resources and identify needs.
- Review and familiarize myself with school policies, safety protocols, discipline, attendance, and district mandates.
- Analyze current academic and administrative systems for strategic planning, review school improvement plan, and Title I funding.
- Meet with financial secretary to discuss all budgeting and grant programs.
- Engage with various school personnel, family coordinators, counselors, and building engineers for collaboration and insight.
- Connect with booster clubs, community partners, and stakeholders invested in the school community.
- Develop a 90-day plan and calendar of events for transparency and coordination.
Foster and cultivate a positive and collaborative school culture
Build relational capacity
Building Relationships
Establish and build a culture for contiuous improvement and adequate growth for everyone
Goal 02
Establish clear and effective communication and operational/managing systems that support effective teaching and learning
Goal 03
- Meet with all stakeholders
- Gather information related to wants and needs
- Send welcome back and introductory letter/email to team members
Positive, transparent, and open
relationships are the foundation
for collaboration and teamwork.
- Fostering connections with staff, students, and the wider school community.
- Establishing open communication channels for staff members, students, parents, and community partners.
- Building relationships to enhance collaboration and support within the school community.
- Engaging with staff, students, parents, and community partners to establish strong relational capacity.
- Cultivating meaningful connections with diverse stakeholders for effective communication and engagement.
Build Culture: Estblish shared values/vision; communicate with
families/community; emphasize personal/professional well-being
and develpment
Familiarity with systems will lead to smooth acclimation with new leadership team and campus.
(recruitment, orientation,
professional development)
schedule, campus layout
and emergency procedures;
procedures for school
safety: campus visitors,
before/during/after school
duties, etc.
100 Day Entry Plan
- Review historical and performance data for the past two years, identifying trends for proficiency and growth, as well as, familiarizing myself with schoolwide priorities and instructional practices:
● Campus overall
● Gap Analysis
● Discipline procedures, referrals, suspensions
● Student, parent, teacher surveys
- Data driven instruction is a hallmark of effective schools.
- Effective use of data allows us to identify our areas of opportunity and devise an action plan.
Optimizing Systems: manage talent and resources to maximize efective teaching/learning; cultivating support from the district/community; Focus on what matters to our community
Establishing a clear vision for the first 100 days
Empower People: Leading personalized/collaborative teaching/learning; distributing leadership among our school community; support the academic, social/emotional needs of all scholars and adults.
- Climate is the mood one feels.
(temperature check)
- Culture is the way we are living in the building.
(how we operate
- Work to support a culture of continuous improvement by focusing on the campus, mission, vision, beliefs and goals.
- Clearly define expectations and look fors during instruction (student centered, small groups, academic rigor)
- Have presence during entry routine, hallway transitions, dismissal, special events, etc.
- Host activities fair for teachers to sign-up to sponsor campus activities (Leadership, Culture & Sunshine Committee, Enrichment & After-Care Clubs, Athletics, Sponsors, etc.)
- Utilize weekly agenda/ newsletter; provide staff with updates, events, & celebrations
- Maintain open door policy for students, parents, faculty, staff and stakeholders
Expands the teacher
instructional tool kit, arming
them to meet the needs of
ALL students.
to plan campus based professional
development, develop campus data driven instructional calendar
and opening day activities.
establish, develop and train teachers on campus instructional practices
- Schedule visits for impact grade
contents to visit high performing schools
Chanda S. Cordova, M. Ed
The purpose of supervision
is continued improvement of
“What gets feedback gets
- Conduct beginning of the year walkthroughs
and administrative calibration walks to every classroom and provide real time feedback to teachers
- Develop a timeline for spot and extended
observations for the school year
- Conduct regular classroom observations
- Ensure implementation of campus instructional practices (aggressive
monitoring, teacher exemplars, etc.)
The goal of this plan is to help me transition into the role of principal by setting objectives and activities. I want to build positive relationships with staff, parents, and the community, and provide the tools needed for continuous improvement. This plan will help me support the school in improving academic achievement for all students.