Liberal revolutions from the 18th century:
The French Revolution
Political situation
- Monarchy increased its power: from feudal monarchy to absolutist monarchy.
- Absolutist kings and queens controlled the three powers: executive, legislative and judicial power.
- The king was considered a sacred figure.
- The king also centralised the administration to control the state from the capital.
Ideological changes
Proposals from the Illustration
They defend equality and freedom
Separation of powers
New ideas to change the system
They wanted a class based society
Economic freedom
Take part in politics
Free education and secular education
- Population increased during 18th century, thanks to:
- New techniques increased the production
- Advances in medicine, development of vaccines, sanitation measures improve health level in population.
- Despite of this, the situation for people was still very bad:
- Social inequality: privileged and non privileged
- Bad crops, hunger and poverty were still generalized
- Social instability due the payment of taxes and the obligations of the 3rd state (work for landlords, go to the war, payment of taxes etc)
- During 18th century economy was still based on agriculture.
- Trading increase its importance thanks to new lands discovered: new materials, new products, new commercial nets revitalised the markets and enrich the bourgeoisie.
- By this time, most of the manufactured products were made in little workshops, but in the UK, first factories started to appear.
Causes of the French Revolution
Political causes
Political causes
- Absolutist monarchy and the old regime systeme strangled the majority of population (non privileged).
- Change was possible: The success of American independence war, that stablished a class system society demostrated this.
Social causes
Social causes
- Social inequality due the state based system created a discontented atmosphere.
- Riots, revolts... started across the country.
- Men from the 3rd state had to go to the war.
- People had to pay higher taxes to afford war cost.
Economic causes
Economic causes
- Economy was still based on rudimentary 1st sector.
- Bad crops and poor production causes rise of prices of basic products (bread, cereals etc).
- Fiscal pressure (payment of taxes) increased.
- As a consequence, famine, poverty and spread out France, causing social instability.
Intelectual causes
Intelectual causes
- Step by step illustrated ideas made an impression in the 3rd state.
- The ideas to replace a government based on states were increasing.
- Bourgeoisie wanted to stablish a class system society, based on these ideological pillars:
- Freedom and equality
- Non government intervention in economic issues
- Promote science and reasoning
- Free secular education
- Take part in politics
- Separation of powers
French revolution and napoleonic period
Jacovin convention (1973-1795)
Constitutional monarchy (1791-1792)
The consulate (1799-1804)
The king signed the 1st constitution
1804: Napoleon declared himself Emperoor
1814: Napoleon was defeated
1. General states
2. National Assembly
3. Storming of the Bastile (The Revolution started)
4. The Declaration of Rights of men and citizen
The directory (1795-1799)
The Empire (1804-1815)
Girondine convention (1792-1973)
National contituent assembly (1789-1791)
Napoleon period (1799-1815)
Napoleon period
The Consulate (1799-1804)
Investigación 2
- Consolidated the advances of the Revolution.
- Pacified the country
- Introduced reforms to mantain the Republic
- Elimination of the most radical parties.
- Recognition of Catholicism as the faith of France
- He made an internal reform: The Civil Code (1801):
- Equality in the eyes of law
- Right of property and economic freedom
- Separation of Church and state
- Creation of public assistance system to promote public education.
The Empire (1804-1815)
Investigación 2
- Napoleon tried to build en Empire in Europe under the power of France
- He managed to to control a large portion of western Europe (Spain, Holland, Italy, German kingdoms etc).
- In conquered countries, Napoleon introduced revolutionary ideas, produced new constitutions, stablished Napoleonic Civil Code and abolish old regime.
- French domination provoked nationalist movements that fought against the foreign invasion.