Mr Josiah Wilkes
St Philips Christian College
Christian approaches to Inclusive Education
Inclusion in Christian Schools
- Christian schools are only somewhat effective at implementing inclusive education. There is still significant room for growth (Stymeist, 2008 , Shields, 2011, Mercer, 2014).
- A schools’ definition of “Christian” significantly shapes the understanding of inclusion. Differences in Biblical interpretation is what shapes each school’s practice (Contreras , 2013, Cookson & Smith , 2011) .
- Ableism assumes that disability is inherently negative and that impairments need to be eliminated should the opportunity arise.
- It is common for Christians to understand disability as ‘something to be healed’ or a ‘cross to bear’ that inspires others (Reynolds, 2008).
- All students are perceived as being needed in the classroom regardless of their disability to make up the whole.
- Key to the theology of interdependence is the development of classroom ‘bodyness’ (Anderson, 2011). Classroom ‘bodyness’ occurs when educators help students to identify, develop and use their unique gifts.
- Interdependence assumes value and expected giftedness of all people and seeks to help students gain status in the classroom as indispensable members of the community (O’Hara, 2018)
Imago Dei
- Christian educators include students with disabilities because of their belief in the Image of God (Anderson, 2010; Elliott, 2015).
- However, many educators have a general or basic understanding of what the image of God means (Mercer , 2014).
Imago Die
- Lots of Christian theologians thought that the image of God was about humans being rational or physically like God. But there are problems with this way of thinking which leads to abelism
- in Christian education, hospitality is the Christian disposition utilised by teachers to support students (Yong 2007).
- Scior, David, Kenyon & Sheridan (2013) found that committed Christians were more likely to shelter individuals with disability and less likely to see people with disabilities as similar to themselves.
- .It is important for hospitality to be reciprocated
Running Autism Awareness Day