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Racial Equity Analysis

Thank You!

Oak Park Elementary School District 97

Board of Education Meeting

May 12, 2020

Policy 7:12 (I-B)

7:12 (B.) Racial Equity Analysis

"District 97 shall review existing policies, programs, professional development, and procedures to ensure the promotion of racial equity and elimination of inequity and its contributors.

Where existing policies, practices, procedures, and programs are found to contribute to inequities, the District shall eliminate or reform them, in a transparent and timely manner, so that they are consistent with this Policy.

All new policies, practices, procedures and programs will be developed through the use of a racial equity review tool that is informed by effective equity tools from other school districts and the equity field. "

What we have accomplished

What we have accomplished

  • Department leaders have applied an equity lens to existing priority areas to help clarify what is needed and what to do next.

  • Through our professional development as a team, we are incorporating equity assessment and growth into our current processes and activities

Educational Equity Guidance Tool (Source: MMSD)



CUE's Racial Equity Impact Assessment (Source: YWCA)



Policy 7:12 (I-B cont'd)

What we haven't accomplished yet

The racial equity review tool utilized by District 97 shall be developed by the Administration as part of the implementation planning process referenced in this Policy, and recommended to the Board for adoption.

The tool shall establish a clear process and set of questions to guide the development, implementation, and evaluation of policies, practices, procedures, and programs to address the impacts on racial equity.

The tool will help decision makers center racial equity in their thinking, choose options that best advance racial equity and remedy inequity, and avoid implicit bias and unintended consequences that can result by ignoring equity.

The tool should be developed with meaningful stakeholder support, and shall be applied with stakeholder engagement and effective collection, analysis and use of disaggregated data.

The District is committed to ongoing training to ensure that the tool is used with fidelity and supports teachers and staff in their adoption of it.

The five year outlook for Gifted, Talented and Differentiation Program through the lens of a racial equity analysis tool...

7:12 (B.) in Action

The Challenge

The Process

  • The Teaching and Learning Team met with the district's enrichment specialists to draft a five year plan with yearly hallmarks
  • Chicago United for Equity's Racial Equity Assessment (CUE-REA) was utilized to review both the Year One Draft plan and the five year plan
  • Results of the analysis drove revisions to said plans

The tool in action..


Hallmarks of the Five Year Plan

  • Critical Thinking Skills units will be facilitated by enrichment specialists for all students - potentially during Social Studies and Science rotations
  • Math enrichment will be provided in the general education classroom
  • Kindergarten through second grade: common and consistent curriculum/goals delivered in the general education classroom with a focus on building academic background knowledge and academic vocabulary will be developed
  • Acceleration will continue to exist as the avenue to provide students with the opportunity for advancement in single subjects and whole grade

“Change is Inevitable, Growth is Intentional.”

-Glenda Cloud-

...gifted behavior or high intellectual performance is developed when strategies and opportunities are provided that bridge learning to interests and abilities, elicit gifted behaviors and habits of mind, expose students to content that builds their frames of reference and engages exploration, support development of the requisite skills to strengthen cognition and enable self-directed learning, and provide opportunities for the application of learning in authentic and meaningful ways. As I reviewed these purposes and practices associated with gifted programs, one question arose that would steer my research: What happens when these are goals for all students?

Dr. Yvette Jackson

The Pedagogy of Confidence

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