Russia Mission Lab
SrA Sortino, SrA Clifton, SrA Garcia
AF Capabilities
Air Force Capabilities
Air Superiority, Global Strike, & Rapid Global Mobility
- During the Cold War, we focused on Air Superiority and Global Strike, but the future now lies in Space and Cyberspace.
- Russia's growing relations with the Middle East and South Asia
- Syria, Pakistan, Ukraine
Air, RGM, & GS
Space Superiority, ISR, & C2
- "The role of nonmilitary means of achieving political and strategic goals has grown, and, in many cases, they have exceeded the power of force of weapons in their effectiveness" - Russia's Chief of the General Staff General Valery Gerasimov
- Cold War brought about Dawn of Space Age
- Blue-space & Black-space
- Role of USSF
- Drones, satellites, spies
- Open Skies Treaty
- Countering Russia's use of social media
- Constant upgrading of Cyber Infrastructure
- Recent cyber attacks
- Cyber Defense
Space, C2, ISR
Army Mission
- The Army serves the American people, protects the nation’s vital interests and fulfills its military responsibilities. The Army comprises the nation's largest and most extensive military ground capabilities. It provides the necessary forces and capabilities in support of national security and defense.
- Preserve the peace and security and provide for the defense of the United States, the Commonwealths and possessions, and any areas occupied by the United States
- Support the national policies
- Implement the national objectives
- Overcome any nations responsible for aggressive acts that imperil the peace and security of the United States
- The Army will provide necessary ground forces to combat Russia
Air Force Mission
- The mission statement of the U.S. Air Force is "fly, fight and win...airpower anytime, anywhere.“
- Title 10, Section 9061 of the U.S. Code defines the mission of the USAF as follows:
- To preserve the peace and security and provide for the defense of the United States, the Territories, Commonwealths and possessions, and any areas occupied by the United States
- To support national policy
- To implement national objectives
- To overcome any nations responsible for aggressive acts that imperil the peace and security of the United States
- The Air Force will provide Air Forces and Cyber Forces to Combat Russia
Air Force
Space Force Mission
- The Space Force, a sub-branch of the Air Force, was created in December 2019. It is charged with developing guardians, acquiring military space systems, maturing military doctrine for space power and organizing space forces to present to combatant commands.
Space Force
Navy Mission
- The mission of the U.S. Navy is to protect and defend the right of the United States and its allies to move freely on the oceans and to protect the country against its enemies.
- To prepare the naval forces necessary for the effective prosecution of war
- To maintain naval aviation, including land-based naval aviation, air transport essential for naval operations, and all air weapons and air techniques involved in the operations and activities of the Navy.
- To develop aircraft, weapons, tactics, technique, organization and equipment of naval combat and service elements
- The Navy will provide Naval Aviation, Ships, and other sea-based equipment against Russia.
Marine Corps Mission
Marine Corps
- The U.S. Marine Corps serves as the amphibious forces of the United States. Its mission is detailed in Title 10, Section 5063 of the U.S. Code:
- The seizure or defense of advanced naval bases and other land operations to support naval campaigns
- The development of tactics, technique and equipment used by amphibious landing forces
- Such other duties as the president may direct
- The Maine Corps will provide land and Amphibious forces against Russia.
Coast Guard Mission
Coast Guard
- The Coast Guard is the only U.S. military branch not organized under the Defense Department. Instead, it falls under the Department of Homeland Security.
- Homeland Security Main Missions include:
- Ports, waterways and coastal security (PWCS)
- Migrant interdiction
- Defense readiness
- During times of war, it can be transferred to the Department of the Navy, as it did in WWI and WWII.
- The Coast Guard can be transferred to assist the Naval forces against Russia.
CIA Mission
- At the CIA, our mission is to preempt threats and further U.S. national security objectives by:
- Collecting foreign intelligence that matters.
- Producing objective all-source analysis.
- Conducting effective covert action as directed by the president.
- Safeguarding the secrets that help keep our Nation safe.
- They can act as spies to collect critical intelligence that can help the U.S. against Russia.
How do we unite with other Nations?
- Multinational Operations: Actions by 2 or more nations that have a common interest.
- Alliance: Formal agreement or Treaty between 2 or more nations for long term objectives that further the common interests of all parties involved.
- Coalition: Formed by different nations, 2 or more for different objectives that is typically for a single occasion or for longer cooperation within a common interest
Other Nations
- North Korea Somalia
- Iran Pakistan
- Syria Palestine
- Iraq China
- Afghanistan
- Russia
- Libya
- Canada Norway
- Australia Sweden
- UK Germany
- France Japan
- Italy South Korea
- Ireland
- Israel
Risks of Crisis Response
Crisis Response
- Limited or Total War
- Mutually Assured Destruction
- Limited Warfare is costly if prolonged – Lives and or Economic Support.
- Can cause fear throughout the U.S. from the Media.
Tactical Actions
- Cuban Missile Crisis
- East Berlin – Post WWII
- Berlin Airlift
- Positioning of Military bases in Germany – Respond In-Theatre
- Alliances to support other nations against Russia (NATO)
- Satellites positioning 24/7 Surveillance
Tactical Actions
Nuclear & Cyberspace
Nuclear and Cyberspace
- The United States and Russia possess the majority of the world’s nuclear weapons.
- The DoD leverages the nuclear enterprise to further the U.S. interests by limiting the number of nuclear war heads Russia may possess.
- The United States and Russia signed the New Start treaty which limits each country’s nuclear capabilities.
- Each side is now limited to 1550 nuclear warheads, 700 strategic delivery systems, and 800 launchers.
- The treaty was extended for 5 additional years in February 2021 which is another step in the United States goal of reducing nuclear weapons around the world.
Leveraging Cyberspace Against Russia
- The DoD utilizes the cyber domain to spread information quickly. The information shared allows the DoD to make decisions to defend ourselves against Russia.
- The use of Classified information is critical in ensuring Russia is unaware of our decision making and military operations.
- Processing Classified information allows the DoD to further U.S. interests against Russia without compromise. This includes:
- Establishing Air Superiority against Russia
- Protecting DoD assets against Cyberattacks from Russia
- Gathering intel about military operations in Russia.
- The DoD utilizes cryptography to protect classified information and ensure it does not fall into the wrong hands.
- Cryptography allows the U.S. to leverage cyberspace against Russia by providing encrypted secure communication capabilities. Cryptography is used to secure devices such as phones, radios, aircraft equipment, and networks that process classified material.
- Encryption of communication ensures Russia in unable to obtain our data and protects the confidentiality of our missions.
National Defense Strategy
- The first DoD objective in the National Defense Strategy is to defend the homeland from attack.
- Our biggest threat from Russia is through the Cyber domain. One of the primary objectives in the National Cyber Strategy is to secure critical infrastructure to protect the American people.
- The DoD’s cyber threat detection capabilities allows the U.S. to detect and respond to Russian cybercrime in a timely manner.
- Successful cyberattacks against U.S. critical infrastructure allows Russia to disrupt daily operations for the entire country for long durations of time.
Instruments of National Power - Military
Instruments of National Power
- The Instruments of National power are Diplomacy, Information, Military, and Economic (DIME).
- Russia uses their Military to conduct cyberattacks against the United States.
- Russia developed a cyber team known as Fancy Bear (APT28).
- Fancy Bear was utilized by the Russian government to support their political interest.
- According to FireEye, “APT28’s influence on numerous high-profile national and international matters, including the Syrian conflict, NATO-Ukraine relations and the 2016 U.S. presidential election.”
- Russia utilizes the military instrument of power to establish dominance over other countries and spread their ideology through brute force.
Works Cited
- Black Space vs Blue Space (2021)
- Joint Warfighter - Student Reading (01 FEB 21).pdf (
- Brushing Up on Military Missions |
- Mission and Vision - CIA
- FireEye (n.d.) Russia’s APT28 Strategically Evolves its Cyber Operations. Retrieved from
- National Cyber Strategy (2018)
Works Cited