Cultural Model of Education
Educational Management and Leadership MGT509
Ahla Rasheed, S048143, M.Ed Generic, Sem 2
What is Cultural Model?
- Cultural models emphasize informal aspects of the organization.
- They assume that beliefs, values and ideology are at the heart of organizations.
- These norms become shared traditions which are communicated within the group and are reinforced by symbols and rituals.
- Most of the literature on culture in education relates to organizational culture and that is also the main focus of this chapter.
- There is also an emerging literature on the societal culture.
Types of culture
- Schools are placed within a society and societal culture does affect school culture.
Societal Vs Organizational
An increasing number of . . . writers . . . have adopted the term “culture” to define the uniqueness of a particular organizational community . . . We have acknowledged that uniqueness is a virtue, that values are important and that they should be fostered.’ (Beare, Caldwell and Millikan (1989, p. 173))
Organizational Culture
Organizational culture
Sales Projections
Sales Projections
External Environment
Sales Projections
Central Features
- It focuses on the values and beliefs of members of organizations.
- There might be more than one culture, especially, in large organizations.
- These values underpin the behavior and attitudes of individuals within schools and colleges but they may not always be explicit.
- Organizational culture emphasizes the development of shared norms and meanings.
‘The nature of a culture is found in its social norms and customs, and that if one adheres to these rules of behavior one will be successful in constructing an appropriate social reality’ (Morgan, 1997, p. 139).
Other Approaches
Other approaches
Staying on Top
Staying on top