Taken as an indentured servant (slave) to West Indies
Labored on a plantation in Barbadoes
Break-out of the second Anglo-Spanish War
19 year old Henry Morgan was released from the plantation to fight in the War
Jamaica Taken by Brittish
Jamaica was taken by the British and turned into a base for privateers (pirates).
As a free man, went to Jamaica, became a pirate and bought a ship.
Attack of Port-au-Prince (Haiti)
Captain Morgan and his crew raided the port of all the gold and spices they could find.
The governor of Panama, Don Juan Perez de Guzman, dispatched a force of 520 men in four ships in effort to retake the island.
Morgans Rampage
By 1668, his power was sufficient enough to assemble 12 ships and 700 men, both British and French, for the raiding of the Cuban town of Puerto del Principe (now called Camagüey).
The raid yielded a profitable 50,000 pieces of eight ($15 Million).
Sacked Maracaibo, Venezuela, and escaped a Spanish trap
In 1668, he sailed for Maracaibo and Gibraltar, both on Lake Maracaibo in modern-day Venezuela.
He raided both cities and stripped them of their wealth before destroying a large Spanish squadron (army) as he escaped.
Raid of Panama City
In August 1670, with 36 ships and nearly 2,000 buccaneers, Morgan set out to capture Panama, one of the major cities of Spain's American empire.
Crossing the peninsula of Panama, he defeated a large Spanish force on January 18, 1671, and entered the city, which burned to the ground while his men were looting it.
Morgan Arrested
To appease the Spanish, the English signed a peace treaty, Morgan was arrested and summoned to London in 1672,
He was treated as a hero by the general population and the leading figures of government and royalty including Charles II.
Appointed by the King
Morgan was appointed a Knight in November 1674 and returned to the Colony of Jamaica shortly afterward to serve as the territory's Lieutenant Governor.
He served on the Assembly of Jamaica until 1683 and on three occasions he acted as Governor of Jamaica in the absence of the current post-holder.
His life was glamorized after his death on August 25, 1688
He became the inspiration for pirate-themed works of fiction across a range of genres.[2]