School vs. Life: You Don't Have to Choose
Me shouldn't last forever
Organize & Prioritze
- Make time for eating healthy, exercising, sleeping. If you aren't 100% then how can you give 100% to everything else?
- Cater for breaks between classes and when studying to avoid burnout
- How do you use your "me time"?
- What's your #?
Can I handle this?
- Consider purchasing a planner or using an app/digital calendar on your phone
- Prioritize tasks based on importance or when they are due
- Schedule time for school work and studying
- Carry work with you so you can utilize downtime
Communicate...or don't
- Set achievable goals
- Dont bite off more than you can chew
- Repeating the same behaviors will not give you different results
- Balance the classes you are taking
- Taking more classes than you can handle will result in:
-failing/unsatisfactory grades
-less time for yourself/other priorities
- Let your family & friends know when you are busy
- Speak with your employers if you need more time for school if they are able to alter your schedule (give advance notice of exam days)
- Avoid distractions
-silence your phone when studying or in class
-find a quiet place to study/work on assignments or use headphones