Week 1, Lecture 1
Welcome to Intro to Gender Studies!
Meet Your Instructor
Shannon Schipper
Director, Women's Resource Center
Who's in the Room?
B.A. in Women's Studies
from the University of Missouri - Columbia
M.A. in Gender Studies from the School of Social Transformation at Arizona State University
Who's in the Room?
Be sure to tell us your:
- Name
- Gender pronouns
- Major
- Fun fact
Canvas Course Site
Canvas Course Site
- Course schedule
- Class guidelines
- Weekly information
- Assignments
- Submission portals
- Grade book
- Discussion boards
Writing Assignment
What is
Gender Studies?
- What is Gender Studies?
- Why are you taking this course?
- What do you hope to gain from this course?
What is Gender Studies?
- An examiniation of the historical, social, and cultural constructions of gender and their impacts on lived realities
- An interdisciplinary field of study
- An academic field evolved from Women's Studies
- The social construction of gender
- Gender as a category of analysis
- The intersection of gender with other identities
- Social and cultural expectations of the gendered body
- Issues of healthcare and reproductive rights
- Masculinities and social and cultural pressures on men
Major Topics
- Power relations in intimate relationships
- Family structures and balances of power
- The role of gender in paid and unpaid labor
- The influence of laws and social policies on women and non-binary folks
- Feminist activism and social change
- Controversy with civility
- Own your intentions and impact
- No blaming, shaming, or attacking
- Allow room for defensiveness
- Try on new ideas, attitudes, and views
- Practice both/and thinking
Introduction to Chapter 1 in "Women's Voices | Feminist Visions"
For Next Time...
- US women's movements
- Origins of WST and GST
- Differences between WST and GST