European Politics
Ivan the Terrible
- Grand Prince of Moscow
- First Tsar of all Russia
- Ivan the Terrible contributed to Russia's transformation from a medieval state to empire.
Phillip II of Spain
- King of Spain [1556-1598]
- King of Portugal [1580-1598]
- "Protector of the Roman Catholic Church, set out to limit spread of Protestantism
- Completed the work of unification begun by Ferdinand and Isabella
Edict of Nantes [1598]
Granted Calvinist Protestants of France rights in the nation.
Foundation of the Dutch East India Company [1602]
Trading company founded in the Dutch Republic to protect the state's trade in the Indian Ocean. It was also created to assist in the Dutch war of independence from Spain.
James I of England
Expulsion of the Moriscos [1609]
- Decreed by King Phillip III of Spain
- Moriscos = descendents of Spain's muslim population
Louis XIII [1610-1643]
- King of France
- Son of Henry IV
Michael Romanov
- First Russian Tsar of House of Romanov
- Founder of Romanov Dynasty
Cardinal Richelieu
- French clergyman and statesman
Thirty Years War
Struggle over political and religious order.
Ferdinand III (Austria)
- Archduke of Austria [1621]
- King of Hungary [1625]
- King of Croatia and Bohemia [1627]
- Holy Roman Emperor [1637]
Charles I [1625-1649]
- King of England, Scotland, and Ireland
- Born into the House of Stuart
- During his reign, his actions frustrated Parliament. This leads to the wars of the English Civil War. Due to this he is later executed in 1649.
Petition of Right [1628]
English constitutional document setting out specific individual protections against the state.
Louis XIV
- "Sun King"
- Transformed the monarchy
- Versailles
Long Parliament [1640]
Long Parliament called for the removal of bishops from the Church of England as well as Church's reform along Scottish Presbyterian lines. This slowly contributes to the dismantle of personal rule.
Frederick William (Great Elector)
- Elector of Brandenburg
- Duke of Prussia
- Member of House of Hohenzollern
- Known as the "Great Elector" because of military and political achievements.
English Civil War [1642-1651]
The English Civil War was a series of diagreements between the Parliamentarians (Roundheads) and Royalists. These were mainly over England's governance issues along with religous freedom disagreements.
New Model Army [1645]
- Created by Oliver Cromwell (Parliamentarians) during the English Civil War.
- This Army was crucial in overthrowing the monarchy therefore boosting Oliver Cromwell to power during the English Revolution.
Cardinal Mazarin [1642-1661 (death)]
- Italian Cardinal, diplomat, politician
- Chief minister to Louis XIII of France
Peace of Westphalia [1648]
Ended the Thirty Year's War
Fronde [1648-1653]
- Children's game played in the streets of Paris.
- This was an attempt to test the growing power of royal government.
- The failure prepared way for Louis XIV's absolutist personal reign.
William the Silent
- William the Silent was the main leader of Dutch revolt against Spanish Hapsburgs.
- He set off the Eighty Year's War which resulted in independence of the United Provinces.
William of Orange
- Dutchman --> King of England, Scottland, and Ireland till death
- Reigned while religious divide dominated all international relations
Oliver Cromwell [1653]
- General on the Parliamentary side of the English Civil War
- Oliver Cromwell helped overthrow the powerful Stuart monarchy
- Founded and led the New Model Army
Treaty of Pyrenees [1659]
The Treaty of Pyrenees ended the Spanish-Franco War and often marks beginning of French dominance in Europe.
King Charles returned to England from exile.
Charles II
[1660-1685 (death)]
- King of Great Britain and Ireland
- Brings the Stuart Dynasty back to the English throne.
- His reign began the Restoration.
Jean Baptiste Colbert
- Under the rule of Louis XIV
- French states-man who served as First Minister of State.
- Some of the things he was responsible for included modernizing Paris, backing new advancements in science, and developing trade.
Charles II (of Spain)
- Final Hapsburg Ruler
- Death caused War of Spanish Succession.
Secret Treaty With Louis XIV [1670]
The Secret Treaty With Louis XIV was a treaty between England and France signed at Dover in 1670.
Peter the Great
- Russian monarch ruling tsardom
- Begins "Reformation" of Russia which was influenced by Western Europe.
Edict of Fontainbleau [1685]
- Issued by French King, Louis XIV
- AKA Revocation of Edict of Nantes. The Edict of Nantes had previously granted Huguenots the right to practice their religon without state persecution.
James II
- Final Catholic monarch of England, Scotland, and Ireland.
- His reign is primarily remembered for conflict over religious tolerance.
Glorious Revolution
The Glorious Revolution includes the overthrow of the Catholic King James II.
William and Mary
- King and Queen of England
- Protestant
- Invited from Netherlands and rescued England from Catholic rule of James II.
Time of Troubles
The Time of Troubles was a period of political crisis during Tsardom of Russia.
Great Northern War
Alliance led by Tsardom of Russia successful challenged supremacy of Sweden in Baltic area. The Great Northern War resulted in decline of Swedish influence and emergence of Russia as a major power in the Baltic region.
War of Spanish Succession [1701-1714]
- Triggered by death of childless Hapsburg King, Charles II of Spain
- "the first world war of modern times"
Battle of Poltava
The Battle of Poltava was a large, decisive battle as a part of the Northern War. The battle ended Sweden's status as a major power. This marked beginning of Russia supremecy in Eastern Europe.
Pragmatic Sanction
The Pragmatic Sanction was an edict issued by Charles VI ensuring the Hapsburg heredity possessions and roles could be inherited by a daughter.
Treaty of Utrecht
The Treaty of Utrecht was a series of peace treaties signed by the belligerents in the War of Spanish Succession.
Frederick William I (Soldier's King)
- King in Prussia
- Elector of Brandenburg
- Prince of Neuchatel
Maria Theresa
Maria Theresa was the ruler of Hapsburg Dominions from during the 18th century. She ruled during the Enlightened Absolutism time period.
Frederick the Great
Frederick the Great is a well known King of Prussia. He is famous for his military successes, patronage of the arts, and the Enlightenment.
Treaty of Aix La Chapelle
The Treaty of Aix La Chapelle ended the war of Austria Sucession which was being fought between Britain and France.
Seven Years War
The Seven Years War was a global war involving most European powers, nations, states, and even Asia and Americas. The ultimate winner was Great Britain.
Catherine the Great
Catherine the Great was the final Empress of Russia who reigned over Russia for 34 years.
Joseph II
- Holy Roman Emperor
- Eldest son of Maria Theresa
Partition of Poland
[1772, 1793, 1795]
- Three territorial divisions of Poland, Russia, Prussia, and Austria.